Harry Hook x Reader [Memory] {Pt. 1}

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Harry Hook x Reader [Memory]{P1}

Technically I didn't get this part finished on 7/5, it's past midnight where I live (Pacific standard time) XD
God this is going to drain me, physically and emotionally.
If you skipped the previous story, I get why, BUT IF YOU ARE GOING TO READ THIS THEN READ THE PREVIOUS STORY.

E/C = Eye color
H/C = Hair color

3rd POV

A pair of E/C eyes flew open suddenly and the girl gasped for air. A pirate who was sitting near the window shot up and called down the stairs.
    "She's awake!" he shouted.
    A girl with blue braids ran up the creaky stairs and looked at the girl. She stared at the girl intently. Frantically looking around at her surroundings, the H/C girl struggled in the sheets. She was like a cornered animal. Trapped, alone, and afraid.
    "Hey, hey, hey," the blue haired girl said soothingly. "It's ok. I'm Uma. We found you covered in blood. You really shouldn't move so much for a head injury."
    Uma slowly moved toward the bed, making the girl tense up.
    "W-Where am I?" she said quietly as Uma sat down on the edge of the bed.
    "At 'Ursula's Fish and Chips', my restaurant."
    "U-Ursula? Who's that?"
    Uma eyed the girl.
    "What do you remember? You hit your head pretty hard . . ."
    She stared at her legs, deep in thought.
    "M-My name's Y/N . . . that's all I really know." she said sheepishly.
    Uma smiled and moved slowly towards her.
    "That's ok, can you walk?"
    Y/N shakily managed to de-tangle herself and swing her legs over the edge of the bed. She placed her feet flat on the floor and walked around easily.
    "Good, you remember how to do physical movement." Uma said with a smile. "Come downstairs with me, you're probably starving."
    Y/N tentatively followed Uma down the wooden stairs, and when they made it all the way down, all talking stopped. All eyes were on the girl. Y/N could feel herself shrinking under a non-existent weight.
    "OI! Don't stare at the lass, you're making her uncomfortable." said a voice.
    Y/N's eyes darted to find the source. It was a boy with black eyeliner, a red vest, and a hook on his left hand. Uma looked over at her and nodded her head over to the bar.
    "Come and eat, you've been unconscious for a week."
    'A week?' Y/N thought.
    She shyly walked over to the bar and sat down. Uma set a plate down in front of her. Y/N tentatively picked up a french fry and bit into it gently. After a few seconds, she grabbed another one. Uma and the other boy watched her eat, observing her every move.
    "What's your name Love?" the boy said.
    "Y-Y/N." she said quietly.
    "I'm Harry, who are your parents?"
    Y/N looked down in embarrassment. Uma smacked her first mate on the back of the head.
    "Ow! What was that for?!"
    "She doesn't know dumbass! You saw her when we found her, she must have gotten hit pretty hard."
    "Well how am I supposed to know that?"
    The two bickered and Harry rolled his eyes.
    "Sorry, I didn't know." he said, looking back at Y/N.
    She turned slightly pink and looked at the ground.
    "Harry, can you show her the ship? I want her to be at least a little familiar with her surroundings." Uma said.
    "Alright." he said, placing his hand on Y/N's arm.
    She let out a gasp and flipped her arm around, grabbing onto Harry's. She stood up quickly and kicked the back of his knee, making him fall. She twisted her body so she was on top of him, her knees pressed against his shoulders and her Unla (A/N that bone between your elbow and wrist, you probably already knew but just in case)pressed to his throat. The entire shop went silent. Y/N froze and quickly got off him.
    "I-I'm sorry I don't know what . . . what h-happened I-I-"
    Harry stood up and rubbed his throat. He exchanged a silent conversation with Uma and looked back at Y/N, who was still trying to figure out what she just did.
    Harry cleared his throat, making her jump and land back into reality.
    "We believe you Y/N, it's fine. It was probably a natural instinct that you knew." Uma said.
    'Knew. Past tense.' Y/N thought sadly.
    "Jayden!" she called.
    A boy walked over and raised an eyebrow at her.
    "Attack Y/N. Nothing that'll hurt her."
    Jayden shrugged and winded his fist back, getting ready to punch. As he threw his fist, Y/N moved to the side. Grabbing his now fully extended fist, she forced the flow of energy to continue moving, making Jaydan fall forward. She pivoted to the side on her left foot and kicked him in the diaphragm with her right, making him fly into the wall.
    Uma stared at the seemingly small girl in awe. Just who was she?

    "Y/N, come out onto the ship. I want to try something."

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