Harry Hook X Reader [Vivian]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Vivian]

Ok so this one I brainstormed ideas which feels . . . WEIRD. But I like this one. For some reason when I first read the request I didn't really like it. But then I thought about it and I fell in LOVE. Just saying, if i'm not particular about a request, I'll still post it. But that hasn't happened yet. Thanks @Justalilbroken21! I added a bit of a twist because it smooths the transition a bit. Thankssss!
(they're both seniors, maybe like a month before graduation?)
(F/F) = favorite flower


Harry wrapped his arm around my waist as we ate our lunch in the cafeteria. I loved being this close to him. It made me feel safe. He pecked my head and I smiled.
"You wanna go on a date?" he asked.
I nodded.
"How about the park at sunset? Tonight."
I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder. We continued to eat our lunch in peace.


I put on a long sleeved (F/C) dress and a bit of makeup. I tugged on a pair of leggings and a denim jacket. It was cold! I walked over to the bench we said we would meet at. I sat for almost a half an hour. The sun had already set. I frowned and looked at the ground.
'He didn't forget did he?' I thought. 'Maybe he's at a different bench.'
I stood up and walked around the almost deserted park. The cold was reaching through my sweater and a shiver rocked my body. I wandered over the creak and I heard a giggle. I looked around and walked toward the noise. There was a girl, about my age. She was kissing someone and I rolled my eyes. I was about to leave when I saw something that made my heart stop. Harry's Hook. I looked at the guy again and saw my boyfriend. My heart shattered. I walked up to him and slapped him with everything I had.
I looked at him, trying to hold back my tears. The girl he was making out with looked back and forth from Harry to me.
"You have a girlfriend?!" She screamed.
I looked at Harry, feeling myself start to break.
"No. He HAD a girlfriend."
Harry's eyes widened in pain. He reached out and grabbed my wrist.
"Y/N, wait I-"
I whipped out the knife I kept strapped to my thigh (A/N sorry, I had to make her a LITTLE badass XD) and pointed it at him. He let go and backed up quickly.
"Stay out of my goddamn life Hook."
With that, I half ran out of the park.

    Time skip of two weeks.

    I was hunched over the toilet bowl with Mal holding my hair up. I got up and brushed my teeth. Mal frowned in thought and said something that made me freeze.
    "When did you last have sex with Harry?"
    "Hold on, you don't think I'm . . .?"
    Mal gave me a sympathetic look.
    "Oh god . . ." I sat down on the floor, my hand over my mouth.
    "You want me to get some tests?"
    I nodded quickly and tried not to throw up, for a different reason.

    Time skip of an hour
    My hands were shaking as I looked at the two tests. They both read positive. I was pregnant. How could this happen?? I let out a sob as Mal came into the room. I nodded at her unasked question. She fell to her knees and hugged me.
    "Are you going to keep it?"
    I nodded again.
    "I'm graduating in two weeks, and I've always wanted a baby. I don't want to stop the life of a child who hasn't even lived. I can get through the year with no one but you and me knowing."
    "Wait, you're not going to tell Harry?"
    I shook my head.
    "He and I are done. I'll be fine."
    "If you're sure . . ."

    3rd POV

    Y/N took her final and passed with flying colors. She graduated and gave birth 8 months later to a baby girl named Vivian. She never told Harry. She never told anyone from her high school except for Mal. Mal was Vivian's 'aunt.'

    Three years later.
    Y/N POV.
    "Vivian, you wanna go to the park?"
    The little three year old vibrated with excitement and pretty much teleported to the door. I smiled and grabbed my shoes. I sat down on a bench by the playground and watched Vivian run full speed to the swings.
    "MOMMY!! PUSH ME!!" I chuckled and walked up to the swing set.
    I grabbed Vivian by her hips and pushed the swing forward. A few minutes later, the three year old bottle of energy decided to jump off the swing and fall onto the sand. She started wailing and I half ran to make sure she was ok. I picked her up and saw a bruise on her forming on her forehead. I kissed her forehead.
    "We don't jump off swings Viv, that's really dangerous." she nodded and I pointed at a random boy who looked lonely.
    "How about you ask him to play with you? I bet he's really fun."
    The second I put her down she was running to the boy. I sighed and sat back down on the bench. About five minutes later, I heard a voice that made my stomach knot.
    "Y/N?" I turned to see the face of Harry Hook.
    "Hi." I said surprised.
    "Are you a nanny?" he said suddenly.
    I frowned at him and shook my head. Vivian ran over.
    "MOMMY!!" she shouted as she ran over.
    "Wait . . . she's yours?" Harry said, sitting next to me.
    I nodded. Harry looked at Vivian as she climbed up on the bench with me. His eyes widened as he looked at her eyes. Blue eyes, just like his. I noticed it the second I first looked at her. He looked back at me and I sighed.
    "Vivian, this is your daddy." I said, looking at the small girl in my lap.
    "Why didn't you tell me?" Harry said, pain in his voice.
    "I found out two weeks after . . ." I trailed off. "How about you come over for dinner? We can catch up." I said without thinking.
    Harry smiled a bit.
"I'd like that."

I had thrown on a (F/C) dress. Nothing special. I put my hair in a braid and made food for two people. I gave Vivian a plate with her favorite pasta and some broccoli. I heard the doorbell ring and I jumped. Vivian came running down from her room and opened the door.
"Hi daddy!" she said happily.
"Vivian!" I ran over and picked up the squirming child. "Don't answer the door to people you don't know! Hi Harry, come in."
I let Vivian down and she ran off to do something. I led him to the couch and I sat down. Harry handed me a bouquet of  flowers. I smiled. (F/F), my favorite. I grabbed a vase and filled it with water.
"Can we talk about Vivian for a second? I-I mean, if you're ok with it . . ."
I nodded.
"I feel like the sh-" he glanced up the stairs where Vivian had run off. "The worst person ever. I should have been there for you. I should have helped you." He said, his hands shaking.
"It's not your fault Harry. I just . . . I didn't want anything to do with you back then and . . . right after we ended things, I found out. I could have easily hidden it. So I did."
"I feel so bad about . . . what happened. I was a dumb teenager. But I've changed. I still need you in my life."
I looked at Harry with slight surprise. I was about to respond when Vivian charged from the stairs.
"Daddy!" She shouted, putting her hands on her knees.
I bit back a smile at the look of pure happiness on Harry's face when he picked her up and held her. I pecked him x on the cheek quickly and went to set the table. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, giving me a real kiss. I smiled against him and Vivian cheered, not knowing what was going on.

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