Harry Hook X Reader [Concert~]

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Harry Hook x reader [Concert~]

    This one is also from @MarieLily716, its short XD

    "Are you ready or what?" Harry called from outside the bathroom.
    "Just a sec!"
    I applied some lipstick and adjusted my bra. I walked out of the bathroom, making Harry's jaw drop. I was wearing a pair of black ass shorts, black bra, with a F/C long sleeve mesh crop-top.
    "Oh god Harry are you ok?" I asked.
    His nose was dripping with blood.
    "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Let's just go."
    I smiled and walked with Harry to the concert. As we walked along the sidewalk, randomly there would be a guy wolf-whistling or cat-calling me and Harry would get pissed. He would growl at them and make them speed walk away. I would then tease him and peck his jaw. I was usually too short to reach his lips.
We finally got to the concert. I was really excited to see (Fav. Band) perform. And since we were in the mosh pit, I was in really close proximity with a lot of people. I was dancing around and screaming the song like a madwoman, the concert was almost over. Harry was laughing at me the whole time. A boy who had been eyeing me the whole time grabbed my ass and pulled me against him. My face flushed red in anger and I was about to slap the guy. Harry grabbed the guy and basically ripped him off me. I placed my hand on his bicep and gave him a look. He made a growl-like noise and grabbed me by the wrist.
"Harry!-" He pulled me away from the mosh pit and pushed me against the wall.
"U-um H-Harry?"
His eyes darkened as he looked at me with jealousy. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me up by my thighs and slammed his lips onto mine. My breathing immediately picked up as he moved his lips in sync with mine. I felt his tongue trace my lips. His teeth nibbled at my bottom lip and I opened my mouth the slightest bit. He growled and squeezed my ass. I let out a gasp and he shoved his tongue in my mouth (A/N what the actual FUCK am I writinggg). I let out a moan and he smirked. He reached under the mesh and unhooked my bra, slipping it down to my waist. I squeaked as he grabbed my boob.
"B-Babe . . . we h-have to s-stop."
"Mmm . . . why?~"
"B-Because I don't want to have sex at a cons- AH!~"
Harry bit down on my breast and I moaned. I placed my hands on his chest. He looked at me and sighed. He clipped my bra back onto my shoulders and fixed my top. He pecked my forehead and set me down.
He kissed my head and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me out of the concert. As we were walking back, I ran into one of my girlfriends.
"Hey Y/N!" she screamed loudly.
"Hey F/N." I said horsley.
"Cute top!" she said, looking at the mesh. Her eyes landed on something on my chest and I looked at her in confusion. I looked down to see a big hickey right above my bra.
"Is that a hickey?" she said, smirking.
"Yep~" Harry said from next to me.
I turned bright red as Harry led me back to my house, to finish what he started.

Holy fucking SHIT.
I would just like to say, YES! I am still taking requests. I have a lot rn, but you can still request. It might take me a little bit to get to yours, BUT I WILL!
I tend to the easier one's first so I have time to think about the harder ones. BUT I WILL GET TO YOU SO FEAR NOT!!
If you privately message me, I will not mention your username, so you'll have to say that you're ok/not ok with it. If you make a public comment I will mention your username.

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