Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV~

"From the look on your face, I'm gonna assume you realized who I am." Red said.

I slowly nodded my head, not taking my eyes off of him. I'm not gonna die. Not today Satan. Try again next week.

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you, but you have to stay calm and do exactly what I say." Red said slowly, letting the bag drop to the ground.

I just gave him the 'really?' look. "Do- Do you know who I am?" I asked him, pointing to myself.

"Pro hero Deku, 'symbol of peace'." He said, putting quotation marks around symbol of peace.

"And you think I'm gonna stay calm and do what you say?" I asked him, getting into a fighting stance, powering up One For All.

"I had hoped, but I guess you aren't as smart as we gave you credit for." He said, activating his quirk, making his skin appear as something close to stone. I've always been fascinated by his quirk. If he wasn't a villain I might have fan boyed over it.

"Awe, you think I'm smart?" I tease. I may be a pro and have to fight him, but I'm always making jokes and banter with villains. It makes them realize that I'm human and not all together that different from them. It actually helps. I've made friends with villains I've captured in the past. They serve their time and are released, and I keep in contact. Everyone needs someone. They just need someone to see them as something other than a monster or criminal.

"Correction, thought." He said, rushing forward and throwing a punch. I shot out of the way and tried to punch him in the ribs.

"God damn it that hurt!" I yelled, holding onto my hand. Red laughed at my words. "Can you do that to your entire body?!" I asked, shaking out my hand and bringing my fist in front of my face again.

"Yup, the whole thing." He definitely said it suggestively. I should have caught on to what he said, but I was too thrilled that I learned something new about his quirk.

"That's so cool!" I said, fan boying despite my best efforts.

I couldn't see his mouth, but I could just see his eye brow as it quirked up in a questioning move. "You know, you would have made a good pro." I said casually as I sprinted at him, hoping to land a kick, but missing by a fraction of a centimeter.

"Hm yeah, how about no?" He said back, rushing me again and actually landing a blow to my side. It hurt like a bitch, but I didn't stop myself from moving back.

"How long do you think you can keep that going?" I asked him, honestly more curious at this point than taunting.

"As long as I need to." He said back, making me pout. That wasn't useful.

We continued to throw punches and kicks back and forth, but they were dodged, on both sides. "Say, where's the other one? Aren't you and Zero nearly attached at the hip?" I asked him as we came to a stand still, neither of us moving.

"Nearly." He said back. I couldn't see it, but I heard the smirk in his tone.

And then I heard the explosion right next to my head.

"Fuck that hurt." I groaned, laying on the ground and staring up at the sky. The blast had shot me a few feet away into the side of a building.

I lift my hand up. "I found Zero, in case you were wondering." I said before releasing another groan.

"God, he's fucking annoying." I heard a gruff voice say. Red and Zero both wear voice changers, so there's something almost robotic about their tones. It's a little unsettling.

"Fucking annoying can hear you, you know." I said as I pushed myself to sit up, and then struggled to my feet.

"I just fucking blasted you into a brick wall, do you really think I care?" Zero asked.

Zero dresses similar to Red. Instead of red, everything was orange and instead of a hockey mask, he just wore a black mouth mask with an orange X on it. I assume it has to do with keeping smoke out of his lungs.

"Yeah you did just blast me into a wall, you could try being a bit more sympathetic, yeah?" I said, holding onto the wall for support.

I could barely make out the eye roll in the dark, but I still caught it. "Roll your eyes at me again and I'll smack them into the back of your head." I said, remembering something my mom used to say.

Let's just say that was the first and last time I ever rolled my eyes at that woman.

"Excuse me?" Zero asked, completely baffled by what I had just said while Red laughed next to him.

"You're excused." I said, groaning again from the pain in my ribs. I think I've broken a few.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" He shouted, walking over to me with his hands sparking.

I powered up One For All and zipped past him, past Red, and grabbed the damn cartoon bag. I moved about fifteen feet away from them as they both looked around, frantically trying to find me. I turned the bag over, dumping the contents out, and alerting them to where I was.

"Is this- Did you guys seriously fill a cartoon money bag with- with Monopoly money?" I asked, breaking down in a fit of laughter. They had to have been the worst criminals I had ever seen. How were they so wanted by the police?

"I told you he'd find it funny!" Red said proudly.

"That wasn't the fucking point, you damn rock!" Zero shouted.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the point?" I asked, regaining my breath.

"Oh there wasn't really one. We were just trying to lure you out, I wanted to sprinkle some humor in there to sort of pay for your time." Red explained.

I looked between them, confused. "What?" I asked, completely puzzled by the whole situation. Weren't they supposed to like, kill me or something?

"We've never seen you face to face or fought you, dumbass. We're doing a fucking test run so we know what we have to plan for in the future. You just played right into it." He said.

I swear I blinked, I freaking blinked, and they were both gone.

I spent the next half hour searching the surrounding area for them and came up with nothing. I sighed and headed back to the agency. Boy, were people going to have a field day with this.

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