The Letter

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If Prince was fairly sharp now, Rosie could barely imagine how harsh he could be when he was away. All due respect though, she had to prepare herself. Her current homelife held a certain amount of stress, alone, as he was the king of this castle and his word was law. Not once was there a shred of cruelty though. Punishments and such were meant working with LouLou besides the occasional chore. Prince came off as cross, and very dry, even on a good day, that could easy state that there was more melancholy than what met the eye. She knew better than to question it, when she was given a roof over her head and food from the table. All the better to work in order to earn it. Although, it wasn't like that all the time. If memory served her well, there was this one late night when she was once down with a high fever with a painful cough. It came fast through the course of a night....

"Easy, child. There is no use fighting against it." he told her as he felt her head while she was trying to fight her coughing.

"I feel so cold..." was all she could utter, exhausted.

"Stay as you are, love." he hummed, bundling her up more firmly.

Rarely, he would call her that but this time, he was worried even though the look on his face was harsh and focused.
She was hot to the touch and she was weary.
The fact that he was there, above her, checking her vitals, was enough to calm her down.
Not even for a second did he ever leave her side. He only softly sang a very lullaby-like incantation. Waking up again, she found herself being lifted up, gently and a glass of a vial touched her lips.
"Drink." was the gentle, yet firm order and she did so.

Something seared slowly down her throat that numbed the whole world out. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep, undisturbed and no frightening monsters to creep after her.

His genuine care and protection was easily shown, time and time again. It was to the point that there was no confusion on the matter, no matter how long days were.

Her heart pounded as she overturned the rough parchment around in her hands, unfolding the written message inside. Severus studied her as she read the first parchment and soon enough, it was as though her face became as bright as a ghost's hue. This was the biggest news of the age and she has not been alive for more than a decade. Rosie could not explain it in words of how excited she felt the moment she opened it. Before her green eyes, she read those beautifully written words, slowly.

Dear Ms. Rose Evans Potter
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

"Sir." Rosie could barely speak.

"Hm." was Prince's low spirited response as he set his coffee mug aside, of which LouLou silently took away. "Clearly, you doubt what you see before you."

"It isn't that, it's just — Sir, I am so happy!" Rosie expressed as those heated tears of joy began to fall. "I've waited so long..."

"I know," he lowly nodded, his heart aching deep down. "I only wished to spare you from this, but some necessary actions had to be placed. There are many truths that you must know, of what shall take place..." he slowly began to warn her. It was painful to him because she was so young.

"This is because of those lessons, I know..." she sighed, knowing that was about to get lectured.

"Mind your tone, girl," Prince warned, his eyes sharpening. "These teachings are meant to broaden your mind to the mere possibilities that we will face. I may not be by you as often as I would like, however, it is essential that you are prepared."

"Forgive me, sir. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful... Really, I didn't..."

"All the better to keep you well aware,"

With that said, he drew himself closer to her, a dull whisper reaching her ears. Surely, what meant the most to Rosie was when he took her by the hand again.
"Listen very carefully, Miss Rose. I am here to guide you, as long as I live and breathe, I am here to guide you. I kept you here, under my care, for a very tender reason. I may not be your father, nor am I anywhere close to being so, but I need you to keep your trust in me, no matter what you may hear or what you may see after tonight."

"Yes, sir, yes... I understand."

"After tonight, as your birthday fast approaches, you will accompany me to acquire your necessities for your first year. You must consider everything I ask of you. What I will advise. Above all, know well that Hogwarts will be your new home. I will arrange summers to suit you but this will be the last several days that you will stay at Spinner's End."

"LouLou did say that you were going to change the Portkeys again,"

"It is partially why I returned this morning, as much as a rare occurrence that may be."

"I-I take back about what I said about the park then..."

Prince's mouth curved just a little bit before he stood back up. "Rubbing it in a little too soon, aren't you?" was the snide remark, which honestly made her smile. "As soon as we arrive there, you won't be liking me much at all. Neither will any of your classmates. You know your schedule, girl. I am not one to repeat myself, I assure you. I want you well rested for this weekend's errand."

"Right, right!" Rosie got right to it, taking her letter and neatly folding it back up while he had the list on the secondary page for later. "Where are we going?"

"The typical place. Diagon Alley, for finding these materials, also where you will find your own wand."

"My own wand? I always wondered when I would get one~!"

"If I recall correctly, it's more important than you realize. It's equivalent to finding who you really are. Once obtained, it would be yours and loyal to you for life."

"Where did you get your wand?"

"Oh, child, with the endless thorn pricking questioning~ Indeed, it is the very same place I've gotten mine, now get on before you lose your head..."

She giggled before she raced up the stairs, passing him, to her bedroom to clean it up as he pressed on to the master bedroom. It was always what she did after her lessons.

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