Bad News

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"Guard your heart, my boy. One day, it will be vital. Do not let the past play any part in your decisions."

"What do you know of what lies in my heart, Albus...? Of what's left of it...?"

"... I know I may never earn your forgiveness, Severus. But please, please know that you are now more than who you were as a student of mine. Please, if you cannot find it in yourself to forgive me, then at least acknowledge that you have a future. A future far greater than my own."

It was a curse to him that he would remember all these blasted memories yet, he could not find himself coming close to being merciful towards his former mentor, despite the grooming sentiment. Where respect was also due, as a wizard of his own ranking, having that allegiance was something of a blessing. So far, anyway He hadn't much of a choice. In a way, Prince did eventually reluctantly chose to go beyond the present, towards the future, but it was not for himself.

Prince was always one who once was trapped down on a dark path, that was until his own soul got tangled by a Love Bond. Truly, that was something beyond his control, no matter how practiced he was as a well-respected sorcerer. When it came to such ancient magic, one resided in a blood bond while the other resided in loved ones alone, something he neither expected.

Being posted at the only Wizarding School in Scotland, he had done things that he did not prefer to do, besides teaching children a grand amount of skill that would be equivalent to teaching a Muggle on how to use a bloody gun. Not only was he personally responsible for that, but he was entrusted with something... much more crucial...

Beyond the road passing the great bank, the cloaked shadow swept through with such profound purpose that no one even dared stand in his way. This was not something that was considered as the norm for him, nor did he enjoy any minute of it. The Tale had only had just begun, from very day she was entrusted to him, of all people. Among some self-loathing clinging to whatever was left of his husk of a heart, Prince, as he was known by through the rough decade, was more painful to his own soul than how he previously believed. It had to be done though... for her sake.

For Rose's sake.

There was so much she did not know, things she did not realize or understand. These were truths that had to remain in hiding. There were things that she was not prepared yet to see. Her level in Legilimency was still weak compared to how strong he desired her to be. The temptation to truly push her to end up beginning to know of Occlumency was strong, yet it was too soon, as she was still too young. Her mind alone was still in the process of maturing, so he had to be ginger with those lessons and scheduled them as such just to be sure she was never pushed to pure exhaustion of her own mental defenses. It was a learned skill that had to take years to accomplish. While that resided in the forefront of his mind, Prince was already halfway passed Gringotts. Upon this one narrow alleyway, he flourished his way in, unlocking an old wood door with a silent spell prior to entering through it.

As many innocents proceeded to shop and mingle without care, something else was silently on the rise. The establishment he entered in question happened to be among one of the inns, that blended well into the Muggle streets due to a charm. The place was dank, old, rickety but something held it up somehow. Within the one room he was aiming to arrive at, there was a random group of witches and wizards, quietly speaking among themselves.

"If any more of these keep happening, our world will be exposed!" spat one wizard, whose beard was so long that it brushed along the table as he leaned over it in argument.

One of them happened to be an elderly witch, who stood regally among the rest, her attire sparkling emerald and gold, with a pointed hat sat upon her crown silenced the room with little effort, well aware that their Keeper was well on his way. He only stepped into the light, just slightly. That was when everyone went silent. Like a shadow, it was Prince who happened into the gathering, not needing to state a single thing. Each and everyone here knew exactly who he was.

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