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(dedication: @stalking_5_guys
You're literally so sweet and the bomb.com )


A year later and my dream has yet to be fulfilled. I live in the music capital of the world, but still can't get into any meetings. I'm starting to think it's my name. I may have to write under a pen name like Buster Keevings or Mick Greenberg, or something.


I groaned, picking at my bottom lip as I sat in the same position I was in last year-just with longer hair: the same cushiony chair that faced the couch where Niall and Liam sat in front of me like my parents.

"We know you've been trying..." Niall tried in a soothing voice that reminded me of my mum. I should call her later.

"But, the fuck bruh?" Liam interjected, not so smoothly," You gotta get a job mate. Like tomorrow."

I huffed out a breath because he was right. I've been living with them- and Jamie...sort of. He was literally always at his girlfriend's house. And now that Niall has moved into Liam's room, being boyfriends of course, it was as if there were two extra rooms available for rent.

"I mean," Liam continued,"Even Jamie pays rent and he's never here. Niall and I both work and go to school. I figure you could at least do one."

"I get it, Li. This whole indie-rocker douche thing isn't working for me anymore." I rolled my eyes as they chuckled.

"Oh, Harry. You can still be an indie-rocker douche. Just be an indie-rocker douche with a job." Niall commented before laughing that loud laugh of his,"Hey!"

He stopped suddenly scaring both Liam and I,"Where I work is hiring! I completely forgot."

I groaned, covering my face in annoyance,"The smoothie place, Niall?"

"What? What's wrong?" The blonde boy asked, obviously offended since he loves his job. Liam just giggled beside him.

I crossed my arms over my chest like a child,"What's wrong is I want to be a singer not a blender!"


"Hi, welcome to Juicy Fruit. How can I help you today?"

"I'll take a- uhhhh....I'll take a...what's in the strawberry kiwi smoothie?"

I sighed, trying so hard not to roll my eyes,"There is strawberry. And there is kiwi."

The man nodded, continuing to ask about literally everything on the menu.

I was definitely bored, but this job payed the bills. Well, actually no. Just being a cashier was not paying my part of the rent by far, but it was something.

I'd have to get a second job to afford my room. Damn that Liam for choosing a swanky apartment! Why couldn't he just live in the hood like the rest of us?

P.o.p. hold it down. Mama I love you.

Shut up inner thoughts. We have a customer.

"Hi, welcome to Juicy Fruit. How can I help...you." The most handsome man that I have ever seen in my life stood in front of the counter dressed to the nines. Expensive suit, watch, phone, keys to his jaguar jingling in his hand. Why would a guy like him come in here?

"I'll take my usual." He stated firmly, still looking at his blackberry. Haha, I hope he orders a blackberry smoothie because- okay not the time.

"Your usual?"

"Listen kid, I don't have much time to chat." He still hadn't even looked up.

"Well, uhm, sir. I'm new so I don't-" That got his attention. In a split second his golden eyes were wide with...well I couldn't tell with what, but they were on me. Studying me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ha-Harry." He looked me up and down once again, like prey. And I'm not gay but...damn.

"Harry? You sure are." He reached across the counter and ruffled my locks. Ohhh, I get it. We both laughed, mine more enthusiastic.

"Ah, I made a funny. Anyway, I need a large green tea smoothie, large chocolate mocha smoothie with extra caffeine, and three small mango smoothies. Thanks." And with that he was gone. Off to yell at someone over the phone.

I relayed the order to Niall, since I was in no way allowed to be near the blenders in any situation. Why didn't the mysterious comedian have someone here picking up drinks for him? He looked important...

I took this free time to check a few messages from mum back home. Apparently my sister has a new boyfriend named Ash, and he is wonderful. Good for her.

"Zayn!" Niall called from behind me, causing me to drop my phone. I sent him a look to which he just shrugged an apology and continued placing the cups into a carrier for the lad.

How did he even know his name? Oh yeah, he was a regular I suppose... The dark haired man, Zayn, adjusted his fancy suit and handed me his money with a little- a lot extra.

He caught on to my confusion and hesitancy to take the money,"Think of it as a tip. Go on, take it." He then handed the same amount to Niall and with a nod he was gone.


Zayn is such a treasure tbh. Vote if you agree! (I have no shame).

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