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"where were you this weekend?"

harry gripped his lunch box tighter as him and niall walked slowly down the hallway. there were surrounded by the voices of their classmates and the slamming of lockers. "at home," harry lied, trying to keep his chill.

"you were supposed to go to my house," niall said sadly. "me and zayn were planning on having a movie night with you and everything. we even bought you gummy bears, because we know how much you love them. but you'd rather stay at home?" niall looked at his feet, and harry felt guilt tug at his heart.

"i'm sorry," he whispered, following a frowning niall into the cafeteria. "i just didn't feel very well."

niall ignored him, sitting down at their usual table. zayn was already there, munching on a carrot and talking to luke. ever since water polo started, luke and zayn had become better friends. but harry could tell zayn liked niall better by the way his eyes lit up and he patted the empty seat on his other side. 

harry remembered when perrie used to sit at their table. she was extremely loud; hard to miss. harry thought that she was really funny, but apparently zayn didn't like her very well as they had broken up a few weeks ago. 

harry opened his lunch box, pulling out his mountain dew and peanut butter and jelly sandwich. he popped open the tab on his soda and took a long sip, feeling it bubble in his mouth and cause an odd feeling in his chest. zayn and niall had started their usual conversation about people that act like dolts in class. harry laughed along, but honestly, he couldn't keep his focus. his mind kept flashing back to that weekend, that unbelievably perfect weekend, and he ached to call louis, to hear his voice again.

he had drove back from doncaster on sunday, regretfully pulling out of the parking lot as louis walked slowly back inside. he was wearing grey sweatpants with no shirt and thick white socks.

harry didn't know he would cry so hard.

he frowned, picking at the crust of his sandwich and crossing his ankles beneath the table. he was wearing his boots, along with black skinnies and a flannel shirt. he had a beanie on his head; his curls were not being cooperative that morning.

harry could catch luke staring at him, and he stared harder at the table, hoping the boy would look away soon. the piercing made him much more intimidating than he already was. but then again, that's how zayn was in sixth grade. intimidating, scary, but then harry saw niall hanging out with him and figured he must not be that bad.


harry lifted his head, taking a big gulp as he tried to clear the lump in his chest. the lights of the cafeteria were incredibly bright, as if shining on every single flaw he had. his hands were shaking as he struggled to hold onto his peanut butter and jelly. he didn't feel well, he felt dizzy and he wanted it to stop. 

"yeah?" he asked shakily, putting his sandwich down. the churning of his stomach as he stared at it was familiar and he thought it would've gone away by now, but it hadn't. in fact, every second that passed he felt more and more sick.

"are you going to water polo practice after school? it's not mandatory yet, not until next month, but you should still come."

when harry just stared back at zayn, the older boy raised an eyebrow. "are you going?"

harry looked down for a second, taking a deep breath before shaking his head. "uhm, i don't really feel up to it to be honest," he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut tightly so it could be dark for once. it was getting louder and louder, there were people from different tables laughing and talking so loud it sounded as if they were screaming. harry wanted them all to stop talking for once, for there just to be silence.

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