Savior | Leonardo da Vinci x Shy!Reader

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  This lovely one-shot was requested by @Jeallybean129 ! I hope you all enjoy!


  Everything seemed like a crazy dream, first you met a man at the Louvre and followed him through a door that supposedly led you back to 19th century France.

  The same night, you had a dream and confused in the butler of the mansion, Sebastian to help you.

  Though, the answer he gave you was one you hadn't expected to hear at all!

  Supposedly all the residents in the mansion were vampires, except for Sebastian and you. You didn't know whether or not you believed him.

Though you were about to find out the truth.

You were currently in the hallway, trying to navigate your way around the mansion. Currently, you knew at least a few rooms. Yours, the dining room, le Comte's...and that was it.

You were stuck there for a month, so you have to figure everything out.

It was quiet in the hall, the only sound being your own breathing and your footsteps. It was almost...unnerving.

  Then suddenly, there were more footsteps behind you.

  You turned, noticing the most beautiful person behind you. You had to take a double-take before he realized that it was a man.

  His one eye was covered by an eyepatch, and his darker hair framed his pale face. His single, violet eye met yours and he proceeded to step forward.

  "A human...woman?" he murmured out gently, though his face remained blank.

  You took a step back, and he took another step forward. You swore when you looked into his eye, something wasn't right.

He looked starving.

You took another step back, then all of a sudden you found yourself pinned up against a nearby wall, with the strange mans lips near your neck.

What the hell?!

Your thoughts were running wild as you heard the man let out a low growl.

"Run," he mumbled out, causing your whole body to tense up, "please...get away from me..."

You tried to back away, but he still got closer. Then, you glanced down and almost screamed at what you saw.

A pair of fangs inside the mans mouth, so then, that means that Sebastian wasn't lying...


Suddenly, the beautiful man was pulled away from you from a hand that seemed to come out of the shadows.


  Leo? As in-

  "Hey, you," the new voice called out to you.

  You then see who's talking, a man who was much taller than you with dark gray hair which onbres to white at the tips. His deep, golden eyes met yours soon enough.

  "Can you please go get a vile of Rouge?" He asked you. You quickly gave a nod and ran downstairs to the kitchen to grab a vile of Rouge.

You didn't know exactly what Rouge was, but you would find out soon.

You found where the Rouge was, so you grabbed a vile and studied it for just a solid second. Then, you quickly ran past Sebastian.

"No running!" The butler called out.

You ignored him, running back upstairs to where the two strangers were.

  The man with the golden eyes took the vile gently from your hands and pulling the cork off with his teeth before he gave it to the other man.

  "Drink." He ordered, watching the other take the vile from him and gulp it all down within a few seconds.

  You watched as the man you assumed was Jean slowly get up, his breathing labored as he looked at you and the golden eyed man before he gave a small nod and hesitantly walked away, taking the empty vile with him.

There was silence between you two before you finally decided to speak up.

"Th-thank you." You mumble out, catching the golden eyed mans attention. He let out a low chuckle and smiled at you.

"What are you thanking me for, cara mia?" He hummed out.

Wait, why were you thanking him again?


You heard him laugh, and you felt your face go red with embarrassment.

"There's no need to thank me, I didn't do much anyways," he said with a small glint in those golden eyes.

But you still did...

You let out a gentle sigh before you noticed him raise an eyebrow.

  "You're that woman that Mozart told me about," he chuckled gently.

  Wow, I'm sure he gave me a rave notice.

  "Y/N, correct?" Your golden eyed savior asked soon with a smile on his face.

  You gave a quick nod.

  "I see," He murmured, taking your hand and kissing the back of it, "I'm Leonardo da Vinci."

  You gave a small nod, knowing that your blush was growing. So, your golden eyed savior is Leonardo da Vinci.

  Suddenly, you felt your hair getting ruffled which snapped you back to reality.

  "I assume I'll be seeing you around, cara mia?" Leonardo grinned.

  "Mhm..." You mumble out gently as you shift your gaze away from him.

  In the corner of your eye, you saw him nod and take a step away from you.

  "Good to know," he hummed in response, walking away from you with a smile on his face.

  You let out a sigh, feeling your shoulders drop.

  "I told you to stop running!"

  You jump when you hear Sebastian quite literally- right behind you.

  "Sebastian, don't scare me like that!" You huff as he sighs and flicks you on the forehead.

  "I think that's the loudest I've heard you speak since you arrived," he sighed.

  You felt embarrassed at that point, rubbing your poor forehead from the flick that you had received.

  You swear you could hear Leonardo laughing from a few rooms away.



  Yayyy, I did it! First one-shot is complete. Requests are currently open, so request anything as long as it sticks to the guidelines.

  I hope you enjoyed everyone!

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