Stubborn Bird | Osamu Dazai x Reader

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I know in canon that the vampires can't really get sick...but honestly...who listens to the canon?



You let out a heavy sigh, trying to keep your eyes from rolling to the back of your head.

Your boyfriend was told to be on bed rest by Arthur, but he has the stubbornness of a restless bull.


"Yes Toshiko-san?" The Japanese writer grinned, stifling back a cough as he also tried to move some hair away from his sweat-stained forehead.

  You loved him, you really did, but oh how you wanted to slap him at that moment.

  You sighed, grabbing his arm and dragging him back to his room with a shake of your head. You were angry, but only because your boyfriend was extremely sick and refusing to rest like he should be doing!

  Finally, when you both got inside his room, you pushed him down on his futon, only for your arm to be grabbed and to be pulled down beside him.

  "Why are you so damn stubborn?"

  Dazai blinked his yellow eyes in surprise, letting out a small sigh in what seemed to be admitted defeat.


  "Don't. Not right now need to rest and get better."

  The Japanese writer sighed once again, running his fingers through his messy hair as he looked you in the eye.

  "Then stay with me...please?"

  You blinked, giving a small nod as you rest your head on his now bare chest after he loosened his kimono and shirt.

Dazai grinned, closing his eyes as he soon fell asleep. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close to him.

You could only smile. You had to admit, Dazai was beautiful is so many ways.

His features were so relaxed and gentle as he slept. His eyelashes fluttered gently as soft sighs left his lips. Even in sickness he was beautiful.

You let out a soft chuckle, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss against the writers cheek. You left a few gentle pats where you had kissed as you laid back down and allowed the mans arms around you to tighten.

God you loved this man.


Hours later, Dazai woke up to a sudden chilly spell. He shuddered, pulling him shirt and kimono closer to his body.

Then he realized something.

Where were you?

You weren't laying next to him as you had been hours earlier. Was that why he was suddenly so cold?


He sat himself up, his chest tightening slightly as he felt a coughing spell creep up. He groaned slightly, slowly getting up.

"Y/N?!" He called for you, suddenly growing nervous when you didn't reply.

Had something happened to you while he slept? Oh course it all, he shouldn't have allowed you to convince him to rest.

Now, you could be in trouble or hurt somewhere, and he can't be there because of the cursed illness.

Dazai finally got to his feet, and took a few steps forward before he suddenly felt dizzy. His head became light, as well as the rest of his body.

He let out a low groan, taking a few more steps until his eyes rolled the back of his head, and he fell forward onto the floor.


You were returning to Dazai's room with medicine that Arthur had given you in hand.

You had hoped that when you opened the door to his room, he would be resting peacefully and it would be easy to wake him up so you could give him his medicine.

But when you opened the door, you saw your loving boyfriend unconscious on the floor.

You gasp, quickly rushing over to him and setting the bottle down before you kneeled down and shook Dazai's shoulder.

What had happened?

You stayed there, shaking your boyfriend until a groan escaped past his lips and he opened his eyes. He stared, almost mesmerized by you just being there.

"Y/N...?" He mumbled out softly, propping himself up on his arm. He slowly reached out to touch you.

You leaned into his hand, breathing heavily as you slowly calmed your breathing.

"What happened? I only left for a few minutes," You mumbled.

The Japanese writer still stared before he pushed himself up in a sitting position. He gritted his teeth slightly.

"I didn't know where you were, so I went to look for you."

Was that why he ended up on the floor? Had he passed out trying to find you?

You didn't want to know the answer, you just needed him to lie down again and take the medicine you brought him.

You sigh, picking up the bottle of medicine and opening it as you handed it to your loving boyfriend.

Dazai looked like he wanted to complain, but drank the medicine anyways and let out a disgusted noise.

You bit back a laugh.

"Alright, back to bed with you." You sigh, helping the writer back to his futon and watching as he laid back down.

You watched a small smirk played on his lips, leaving you confused until he pulled you down next to him.

"I love you, Y/N-chan."

"I love you too Dazai, you stubborn man."



I love Dazai, thank you all have a great day.

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