If You Were A Child + My OC's

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Prompt: One night, your left at the doorstep of le Comte's mansion. The residents discover you, a small pureblooded vampire baby abandoned by your parents. What happens next...


Napoleon Bonaparte

-he accepted the role of becoming your father once he laid eyes on you
-he's so protective of you, and would never let anything bad happen to you
-he taught you how to use a rapier when you were old enough
-when you brought home your partner, he challenged them to a fencing duel, and then cried later because his child is all grown up, and no longer needs his protection

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

-he had seven kids in his old life, he can take care of you with ease
-he wrote a song for you, and would always play it for you when it's bedtime
-he taught you how to play piano by the age of five
-when you brought home your partner, he smiled and gave his blessing and played a song for the both of you

Leonardo da Vinci

-he had seventeen kids at some point, he can handle one more
-he taught you how to fix simple things at a young age, he also taught you how to paint
-he didn't pressure you into his beliefs of refusing to bite humans, you are your own person after all
-when you brought your partner home, he nearly tripped them because he fell asleep on the floor

Arthur Conan Doyle

-he was afraid to take you in at first, he really was, but he did it anyways
-he would read you his stories at bedtime, and would sometimes write some stories just for you
-he taught you a lot about writing and also medicine
-when you brought your partner home, he was happy for you, and almost cried because his little one is all grown up

Vincent van Gogh

-he laid his eyes on you and could only smile, he immediately adored you and took you in
-he taught you how to paint, not minding the accidental messes you would make when starting out
-he would always braid your hair, and even painted portraits of you on your birthday
-when you brought your partner home, he offered to paint a portrait of you two

Theodorus van Gogh

-he wouldn't admit it, but the moment he saw you, his heart melted
-he would take you to art auctions since he didn't want to leave you alone at the mansion
-he was hesitant to teach you how to defend yourself, but he did eventually
-when you brought your partner home, he was glaring the whole time

Osamu Dazai

-he was scared to become a father, he didn't want you to fall into the same depressive state he did, but then you smiled at him, and he fell in love
-he would read you poetry and his stories at night to get you to fall asleep easier
-he was relatively hesitant to teach you to climb through windows, but he did eventually
-when you brought your partner home, he was happy to see that you found someone, he almost started crying

Isaac Newton

-he was very hesitant to take a child on, considering he never had any in his old life
-he taught you all his studies and theories in the simplest way when you were younger
-he also taught you to play chess and other board games so you could play against him at some point
-when you brought your partner home, he was shy and gave a blessing for you two

Jean d'Arc

-he was scared at first, a pure child while he was a monster, but he soon took you in once you looked at him with those huge eyes, you tempted him into becoming your father
-he would give you long piggyback rides if you convinced him enough
-he would hesitantly teach you how to use a rapier, but his heart would explode with joy
-when you brought your partner home, he was happy for you, he nearly broke down crying in front of you two

William Shakespeare

-he had a few children in his old life, though he was very hesitant to take you in
-he always tried to keep any mentions of death and tragedy away from you, so you wouldn't be traumatized
-he brought you to the theater a lot, since he never wanted to leave you alone
-when you brought your partner home, he was nervous at first but eventually grew comfortable with them

le Comte de Saint Germain

-he immediately took you in once you looked at him with those wide eyes
-he spoiled you, but you never grew up bratty or entitled, he raised you right, to always be kind
-he would take you to balls, and other exciting parties that you would always enjoy going to
-when you brought your partner home, he was happy to meet them and gave his blessing at the end of the night, he cried because your all grown up, and Leonardo had to comfort him


-he was nervous, he was still considered a college student when he left to serve le Comte, but he eventually took you in
-he taught you how to cook, and to help around the mansion, though he would never push you too far, he isn't heartless
-he would never let you wander off on your own when you two had to run errands, he didn't want to lose you
-when you brought your partner to the mansion, he was excited to meet them, and refrained from crying in front of you two


My OC's


Charles Dickens

-he was very nervous to look after a child, but took you in, he couldn't leave a child on their own
-he would teach you to read and write when you were young, and he would also read to you late at night
-he would always take you into town whenever he had to do something, mostly because he never wanted to leave you alone
-when you brought your partner home, he was extremely happy for the both of two that he nearly cried

Alexander Hamilton

-he had a lot of kids in his old life, he could handle another one
-he would tell you all his stories about being in the Revolutionary War, though avoided most of the horror stories since he didn't want to traumatize you
-he also kept you away from most things political since it can become very messy
-when you brought your partner home, he had to be held back, the man may be small but he is very protective of his child

Nikola Tesla

-he was very hesitant to take a child on, considering he just wanted to work on his projects, but he fell in love with you when you smiled at him
-he would let you help out with his inventions and small devices he had laying around his room
-he taught you a lot about inventing and all his devices, and was proud of you every second of the way
-when you brought your partner to the mansion, he was mostly relaxed and gave his blessing to you two



  Well, this was fun to write. I'm not getting the last two hours of my life back...oh well.

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