New Arrivals

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Amy and Rory Pond, yes Pond because even if Rory might argue; that is what they'll always be known as, were frustrated with the Doctor. He had continuously provided them with proof that he was bored. Currently, the Time Lord was on their sofa playing on the Wii. At least he wasn't breaking anything.

"Rory! Get over here!" Amy yelled to the man on the other side of the garden. He turned and ran over to her.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. I just wanted to know when we got fairy lights. And where the Doctor found them..." She squinted through round glasses at the white fence.

"Amy. We don't own fairy lights. What are you on about?" The man slowed his pace as he approached his wife.

"Then what is that?" Rory didn't get the chance to answer that question.

They were engulfed by a bright light and appeared in the middle of a room.

A "What?", "How did you guys get in?", "Who are you?" and three joint; "Ponds?" accompanied their appearance.

"Where even is here?" Amy asked doing a full 180° turn and making a beeline for Eleven.

"Where are we?" Her Scottish accent was refreshing for him to hear. Even the quirk of her eyebrow was the same. Eleven pulled her into a hug.

"Doctor, what are you doing?"

"He's hugging you." Thirteen's voice infiltrated the moment and the Scottish woman glared at her. She smiled.

"I got that. Thanks." The fiery redhead was just as sarcastic as Thirteen was. Yaz never wanted to see what would happen if they got into an argument.

"What are we doing here?" Rory brings up a valid point.

"Where are we?" Eleven had let go of Amy by this point and was looking like a child on Christmas day. "And who're all these people?"

"We're watching TV. Don't know. And these are people from my past/present-" He was interrupted by Thirteen.

"And future. Hi, I'm Thirteen." She smiled assuming that they knew what she meant.

Eleven glared at the short women before telling (demanding) that the others give the Ponds their name.

"Yaz." The women stood next to Thirteen introduced herself holding out her hand to shake. Amy shook it.

"Amy Pond, and this is my husband Rory." The redhead pointed to the man stood next to her. Rory shook Yaz's hand.

"I'm Ryan. And this is my grandad; Graham." The coloured man pointed to the old white man stood next to him.

"Nice to meet ya." Graham sounded distinctly Northern to the Southern (Can't believe that most of the cast were Southern) people's ears.

The new pair smiled at them.

Twelve rolled his eyes and reluctantly introduced himself and his companions.

Eleven followed introducing Clara and telling the Ponds that they had to call him Eleven.

Ten followed, then Rose, then Nine.

When everyone was introduced, they all sat down on a sofa.

Sometime later, the TV lit up deciding to give them the next episode; barley anyone was paying attention.


I was feeling slightly better today so you guys can have two new chapters instead of one.

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