The Christmas Invasion

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All the occupants in the Room, whom now knew names except Twelve who ignored most of them in favour of making sure Bill really was alright, everyone was looking at the screen in apprehension. The title The Christmas Invasion appeared on the TV screen.

Nine and Ten were leaning forward, excited about what they were going to see. Eleven cringed guessing what it was about and Twelve just looked bored.

[Clancy's garage]

(In the Tyler's flat, Jackie is decorating the white plastic Christmas tree and putting presents under it. She looks at the one for Rose and gazes wistfully into the distance.)

Rose smiled faintly at her mum's actions; it was so typical of her to be wishing for her to be there.

Clara also smiled but had barely noticeable tears in her eyes (translation: tears tears only Eleven, and Twelve if he knew she was there, could see); knowing that she could never have that with her mum.

(Meanwhile, at Mickey's work, Noddy Holder is screaming 'Merry Christmas' on the radio when another sound can be faintly heard above it and John's hammering.)

"Rickey???" Questioned Nine. "What's he doing there?"

"His name is Mickey, and he works there."

"Well what what does he do that for?"

Rose was hit with sudden deja vu as she recalled the conversation they had when they first met.

"Because he needs to pay for his house."

"But why?"

"Because people on earth actually have to pay for things. Now stop asking questions." Rose replied sternly. Nine instantly shut up. Thirteen tried not to laugh.

MICKEY: Hey, turn that down. Turn it off, Stevo. Turn that off! John, shut up!

(It's a familiar whooshing sound. Mickey runs out.)

Everyone smiled at the sound of the TARDIS, somehow feeling more secure hearing it.

[The Tyler's flat]

(Jackie hears it too.)


[Powell Estate]

JACKIE: Mickey!

MICKEY: Jackie, it's the TARDIS!

Everyone laughed at him for pointing out the obvious.

JACKIE: I know, I know, I heard it. She's alive, Mickey. I said so, didn't I? She's alive!

MICKEY: Just shut up a minute.

Rose's eyebrows went up in surprise as she tried not to laugh at Mickey's death wish.

JACKIE: Well, where is it then?

"Wait for it... Now." Thirteen guessed, or what it seemed to the male Doctors and their companions, accurately.

(The TARDIS comes out of the vortex in mid air and bounces off one block of flats, a second and a third before avoiding a post office van and finally crashing into a set of waste bins. The Doctor opens the door, still in t-shirt and leather jacket.)

"Hey those are my clothes!" An indignant sounding Nine exclaimed.

The others looked at him incredulously. Why was that what he focused on?

DOCTOR: Here we are then, London. Earth. The Solar System. We did it. Jackie. Mickey. Blimey! No, no, no, no, hold on. Wait there. I've got something to say. There was something I had to tell you, something important. What was it? No, hold on, hold on. Hold on, shush, shush, shush, shush. Oh, I know! Merry Christmas!

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