****** bloom

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(1) laid open on a table, ribs cracked and blood splattered - my heart still beat when i heard you speak my name. with every syllable, a sea of symphonies fell from your lips. dripping like water into a thirsty mans mouth, i took your word as the gospel.
(2) the static from your fingers touching my skin lit up lights in my tunnel, i could see a future (with you). an outlet to my being, you took every cry and filled your cracks with them.
(3) two puzzle pieces that never fit, so they fixed themselves.
(4) i could feel flowers blooming from my stomach, you rooted my pain and planted growth - every time, "i say i love you," butterflies fly up my throat and out my mouth.
(5) i've begun to cough up cherry blossoms.
(6) i'm not prepared for the winter that is coming. but i am so, so ready for the spring that comes after. we will both bloom again.

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