There's Only One Bed....(Desmond x Reader)

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-oh yeah, ya'll already know what's going to happen here :)

Desmond's p.o.v

My feet pounded against the wet grass with Y/N following behind me. The whole ground suddenly shook with a boom and we were both thrown off our feet. I slid across the wet grass before finally stopping when I flipped onto my back. 

The rain gently pattered against my face and it seemed everything had finally calm down. I looked over at Y/N who was sitting on her knees, breathing heavily while she stared at the burning factory we had walked into a few moments ago. She then fell backwards onto the rain soaked grass, saying "we nearly died". 

"Yeah, no shit" picking myself off the ground but when I tried to stand, my left leg shot up in pain. Y/N then peeled herself up the grass as well and came to my aid. The other assassin let me lean on her as we both dragged ourselves to a random alleyway to hide from anyone else trying to blow us up. 

Y/N guided me to a garbage can and I sat on top of the lid. Holding her side, she stumbled over to support herself against the brick wall. I watched her pull off her rain-soaked red and white jacket to reveal a F/C tank top and I couldn't help but stare at her lean figure. Digging through the pockets of her jacket, she pulled out a two rolls of bandages and two small containers of a mysterious liquid. 

"Miles, catch" she tossed me bandages and a container. I snatched the two items out of the air and partially unscrewed the cap, detecting a scent of hydrogen peroxide. "Also prepared I see" commenting to the other assassin as she cleaned up her wounds. "Yes, more prepared than you are" hissing at me through her pain when she dabbed a large scar on her right forearm. 

Both of us sat in silence tending to our wounds, the wind howling canceling out our mumbled cursing. After cleaning up the rest of my wounds, it was now time to clean up my leg. "Y/N could you help me with my leg..."trailing off when I pulled up my pant leg to that there was huge gash from ankle up to a little bit above my knee. I looked up to see Y/N equally surprised at the severity of my injury. 

"Your recklessness knows no bounds" she chuckled and I rolled my eyes in response. She kneeled down, looking over my gash with her hydrogen peroxide open in one hand. "Y/N, you better do what I think you are about to do" wincing in pain as I tried to move my leg away, but Y/N had a strong grip. "Suck it up you big baby! It''s the only way your cut is going stop hurting so much!" sighing, I handed her my container and braced myself for the sting. 

Sting? Oh I think I meant a billion of little knives stabbing into my skin. A string of curses soon dropped from my mouth as the chemical was doing it's thing. As soon as the pain stopped stinging, I thought the worse was over when Y/N pulled out a needle and thread out of nowhere. "How" the girl shrugged with a smirk "I'm just more prepared than you Desmond, you would die out here without me". "Right...." trailing off, feeling several pricks in my skin for the next ten minutes. 

Bandages were wrapped around my leg and I slid onto my feet. "Well? What now?" peaking out of the alleyway for anyone else out to attack us. "You're half-dead, I'm half-dead, what do you think!?" the H/C woman snapped at me, then added mockingly on "I don't know, maybe walk into that burning building over there!?". "Oh would you shut up Y/N! I'm trying not to get us killed!" sniping back at her from over my shoulder, listening for anything in the distance that sounded like danger. 

"Did a real fine job with that in the factory" I heard her mumble behind me and I chose to ignore her for now. A pink glow from down the street caught my attention, realizing it was a neon sign that read "Vacancy". "Y/N, come 'ere" beckoning her over to me and she peered over my shoulder. "It's a hotel!" she whispered happily, pulling up her white hood and running in front of me. I ran behind her, still cautious that someone could come out of nowhere.

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