Tear In My Heart (Shay x Reader)

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Sometimes you gotta bleed to know

That you're alive and have a soul

"Shay! You are so dead!" Y/N screamed at the captain of the Morrigan as he rolled on the floor in tears of laughter. The templar went to his quarters to deliver an important letter and when she entered the room, he was slumped over in his chair. Like a normal concerned person, the woman rushed over to his side only for to suddenly pop up with a scream which gave Y/N a heart attack. 

"Oh come on Lass! The look on your face was priceless!" the male templar on the floor laughed as he sat up. Y/N didn't think it was so funny. "UH, NO IDIOT! YOU DON'T NEARLY SCARE SOMEONE HALF TO DEATH JUST GET A LAUGH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs not realizing the door to his quarters were open. The rest of the crew didn't seem to be interested, unless you stepped out of Shay's quarters. Secretly the whole entire crew of the Morrigan were surrounded outside the door and above, listening to their captain get screamed at. 

But it takes someone to come around

to show you how

"Alright lass, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It was a stupid thing to do!" Shay pleaded with the girl but she only stomped out in a furry. The crew watched Y/N stomp out into the cold air then turn to below the deck. She soon stopped in the middle of her tracks when she realized the crew was watching her. Without even looking at the small crowd that had amassed, she yelled "OH SCREW OFF ALL OF YOU!" her voice filled to the brim of the anger. Everyone did as they ordered because even though Y/N was the newest member on the ship, she quickly gained a reputation of someone NOT to get angry. 

Gist walked to his Shay's quarters, "Can I come in?" knocking on the door frame. "Yeah come in Gist" heaving himself off the ground and sunk into his chair at his desk. The man closed the door behind him, turning towards his captain he asked "what did you do to piss off the lass?". Shay only sighed in annoyance "I played a harmless prank on her, and how the lass scolded me, makes me think she's right" replying with disdain in his voice. "Can't stand being wrong, can you Cormac?" Gist asked his captain, looking at him deep in thought. 

Gist knew that Shay had feelings for Y/N, but neither man had any idea if she felt the same way. "Captain?" he snapped up from deep in thought, sighing "Yes, Gist?". Gist had the idea that what he was about to say could cost him his head, but he didn't care. "You like Y/N L/N don't you?" Shay shot up out of his seat, pointing an accusing finger at the man "I do not! Now get out before I throw you overboard!". Gist only threw his hands up in defense and left the room, slamming the door behind him. 

She's the tear in my heart

I'm alive 

"I do not like Y/N! She's only really big buzzkill, a jerk, the queen of sarcasm" the thoughts ran threw his mind about all the things Shay found annoying about that girl. Resting his head on his hand, Cormac started to relay the rest of the of the list. "She's odd, has wide, but entrancing eyes, a slim figure, swaying hips, soft H/C H/L hair, kissable lips-" Shay stopped in the middle of his words as they fell out of his mouth. 

She's the tear in my heart

I'm on fire

Shay's p.o.v 

My face couldn't help but feel extremely hot and bright red as I sat there. Running my hands threw my dark brown hair, my feelings swirling around inside me like a boiling pot. I tried to push Y/N out of my head, yet she was still stuck there like glue. From her deep E/C eyes, smooth S/C skin, flowing H/C locks, and her fiery attitude, Y/N was everything I wanted in a woman. "No I can't like her! I just can't!"

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