Chapter 7:The real me

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We started eating the meal prepared by his mom,it's some samgyeopsal with rice...pork bone soup and other more.

Her mother smiled sweetly to both of us.

"Uhhm you both finished your school project?"she asked.

"School project?"Jinru is confused
"Yes,"I interrupted.
Her mother focused on me...
"And I will go home...right away after this meal since we have nothing to do anymore..."I said smiling stintly on her mom.I remembered I have a frenny schedule with Miso today.I miss her since I'm recently with Jinru.

"Don't you wanna spend time with Jinru?"her mother asked.
"N-no he's kinda busy,"I gave Jinru a meaningful look.
"Yes I'm kinda busy mom,"Jinru smiled hotly at me, anf it seems seductive.
Fuck is he even really gay?!
I don't wanna stay I'm scared to loose my virginity early.

"That will be great!"her mother agreed.
"No... I'm really sorry I have to meet Miso... she's also a friend of mine... uhhm bye..."I said eating the last bits of my food and left.


The gate opened after my several doorbells.

"Oh Seungji! You're here! Wassup?!"Miso greeted.
"I'm just bored today nothing to do you since you're always alone here...tadaaa!"I said like showcasing myself.

She chuckled...and pulled me inside.

"I see you're quite improving with Jinru huh?"She teasingly grinned.
We really improved 'quite' a lot.
"Of course bestfriend,"I smiled and she smiled back too.
We both sat on her sofa...

"So... haven't told me where are you staying yet,"Miso grinned mischievously.
I blushed as I think of Baekjae's dorm...that place is a piece of shit.

"Uhhm it's embarassing the place is not so nice as yours...Errm it's a long don't know me so well yet,"I said,I think I should tell her true identity...

"I know you don't come from a very rich family but don't worry I won't judge your place we're still bestfriends after these,"she said but I shook my head.

"You got something more to know,I don't wanna lie to you you're my bestfriend right?"

She nodded curiously as I dialed a number on my phone...

"Yes Miss Kim?"

"James please pick me up here you put me a tracking device to know wherever I go right?"I reminded and yes you're right about it... it's in the necklace that mom gave.

Meanwhile James our butler have arrived and Miso stared at him with awe for he look so formal...James is an American.

"S-seungji who is him?"

"He's James our Butler come on bestfriend you have more to know,"


We entered the elevator and both entered my brother's office.

"Annyeong oppa!"My older brother look surprised upon seeing me.

"Seungji?! What are you doing here?!"He's so shock.
"Is it bad? I'm allowed to go here if there's no class,"I pouted.
"Be sure you study well kiddo,"
"Of course I am,by the way oppa this is my bestfriend Park Miso,
Miso smiled shyly at my handsome brother who gave her a confused look.

"Ah... ain't you the daughter of the owners of Symphony restaurant?"Oppa asked...
"Yes,I am,"Miso shyly said
"You're even prettier in person by the way I'm Kim Seungyeon,Seungji's brother,"Oppa smiled at her and formally offered his hand to Miso in which Miso accepted...I cleared my throat at my brother's stare to her.

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