Chapter 1: Red thread of fated

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It was just another ordinary day at Hogwarts, the sun was shining, Crowd was screaming as The Gryffindor black curly hair Chaser zoomed past them throwing the quaffle into the hoop scoring Gryffindor their second point making them on 40 and Sytherin still on 0. The annocuor screamed into the mic "Gryffindor chaser Sirius Black just scored another point for Gryffindor, can anyone stop him, I dare Sytherin to try, If you can..." But was cut off by Professor McGonagall "Mr. Jordan if you don't act civil than I will take over" Professor McGonagall said with one of her stern faces but if you were as close as Jordan was, you could see the corner of her mouth twitch. Everyone knew how proud Professor McGonagall was of her Quiddtch players despite trying to act neutral. But Sytherin weren't so happy with they way Jordan had challenged them and now all players were scowling at Sirius, who had stopped right in front of two of his best mates, winking at one sandy short, shaggy haired and scared face werewolf, it's been two since he and his other friends found out that Remus was a werewolf and another six months since he and his friends thought of becoming an Animagus to make sure Remus wasn't lonely at a full moon anymore. He then mouth no one can beat me. Remus in return rolled his eyes back at the black curly haired and piercing silver eyed chaser. Which made Sirius give his best mate one of his million gallon smiles. Sirius then turned back to the game. His heart still pounding at that display. His head was swarming with so much fantasies that he didn't even notice the bludger coming straight at his head. One minute he could hear his best mate James calling his name and then the crowd's gasps and screams of terror not of cheers anymore and then he was falling off his broom and everything went black.

He dreamt of Remus and himself sitting by the lake, laughing and being free when he went down to look at his hand some kind of rope was tied to his pinky before he could investigate anymore he woke up. His head was pounding as if he had spent the day drinking firewhiskey. "Those bloody Prats" Sirius yelled to no one in particular. "Ah you're awake" Madam Pomfrey said bustling around to Sirius' side. "You just need to take this deary and you can be off on your way" Madam Pomfrey said with a kind smile. She picked up a spoon full of some blue bubbling potion. Sirius was confused but not by the liquid but the red string that was tied on Madam Pomfrey's left pinky, Sirius followed with his eyes where the roped ended but it looked as if it had been burnt away. "Why do you have a red string tied to your pinky" Sirius blurted out. Madam Pomfrey looked confused by the question "I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have any rope tied to me. Now deary drink up" Madam Pomfrey said shoving the spoon in Sirius' face, he quickly drank it. It felt as if his brain was frozen but then it went away and he felt way better. Sirius couldn't get that image of the rope on Madam Pomfrey's finger out of his mind, how come she didn't notice or see it. Sirius went to wipe his face with his hands when he saw the same red string on his left pinky he did the same as he did with Madam Pomfrey's but his string went underneath the door to who knows where.

Sirius sprang up from his bed, head spinning from the craziness, he was about to ask Madam Pomfrey why she had put a string on him but he remembered her reaction when he asked her about her string and thought better off not. Then it came to Sirius there was only one person who can help him while not calling him nuts. He started to run out of the hospital wing where it seems that Peter was leaning on the wall. "Sirius!" Peter called out happy to see his friend was ok. But Sirius was too busy worrying if he had completely gone mad, he ran right passed Peter yelling "talk to you later Pete" not waiting for a response he kept on running knowing even if Peter wanted to follow Sirius he wouldn't be able to. Sirius kept running and jumping over those red strings scared to trip over them but all the other kids seemed to not have noticed them and looked at Sirius like he had completely gone mad not that he didn't feel that way.

Finally he saw the person he wanted, the younger boy had curly black hair but more tamed than Sirius', he also had piercing silver eyes like his but the young boy had held himself with more nobility than Sirius had and the boy wore robes of green and silver the colours of the Slytherin house, only those things set the two apart, of course they would look similar as they were brothers. "Regulus" Sirius said panting. The younger Black didn't even give the older Black a glance, understandable as both boys haven't been close since their childhood. Sirius caught Regulus before he could escape into the library. "I need your help" Sirius said with a little desperation. "Why don't you go asks your Muggle loving friends for help" Regulus said cold hearted. "Because it's you I need" Sirius said a little quieter. Regulus scoffed at the idea of Sirius ever needing him. "Regulus we were once close and it wasn't me who ended it" Regulus glared at Sirius. But Sirius continued "it was you who chose to listen to our parents words like they were the law, it was you who ignored me when I was in Gryffindor and it was you who put that wall between us but despite all that I still see you as my cute little brother" Sirius gave Regulus the most sincere smile Regulus had seen in a while. Regulus blushed but quickly regained his composure. "We use to talk about everything together" Sirius said pleading with Regulus. Regulus sighed "what is it" Sirius brighten up when Regulus finally looked at him. "I know this is going to sound mad but I can see red strings on people's left pinky finger but no one else seems to see it" Sirius said hysterical. Regulus raised his eyebrow at his brother. "It was after I got hit by the bludger on my head" Sirius said as if that answered anything. Regulus looked shocked but only for a brief moment. "Come" Regulus said yanking his arm out of Sirius' grip.

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