Chapter 19

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Antoinette's POV

I gulped as Chase took a fork full of his lobster and dipped it in butter. His poor suit, what if something landed on it? The waiter had interrupted our earlier chat. Now he sat there sending me devious looks.

"You know we have to have a little talk first?"

I nodded my head. He was gonna ask me what I was comfortable with and what had happened to me when I was with Carlos.

"What did you do that you didn't like?"


The questions came at me quickly, one after the other. Chase didn't seem to have a hard time being blunt with all of them. Was there a certain way he touched you that you don't like? Am I avoiding this or replacing this? Did he eat out? That one could me off guard the most. I quickly shook my head, Carlos had never done anything only for me. It wasn't sweet like that. It was rough and forced and unpleasant. Chase leaned across the table and grabbed my hand when he thought it was getting hard for me. We finished up our food and Chase said that we'd finish this in the car.

We finished up in silence, Chase examining me as I ate. The waiter walked over took our plates and glasses and handed us the bill. Chase snatching it out of my quick hand and throwing a hundred on the table. Giving the boy a fifty dollar tip and rose from his chair. Standing in front of the table until the waiter came back.

"Have a nice night."

"You too." Chase called back and placed his hand on the small of my back. Leading me around the restaurant and to the parking lot. Opening the car door for me and then closing it once I was in. Running over to his side and getting in. He jammed the keys into the ignition and buckled me up. Starting the car towards home and resuming asking me the questions.

"Chase, this is embarrassing." I wiped the tears from my eyes. Looking out the window as the trees rushed past.

"Look at me." I hid my face even farther from him. Denying him and his order. "Hey, look at me." He grabbed my chin and pulled it towards him. Glancing between the road and I. "You don't ever have to be embarrassed about anything with me. Ever. Hear me?" I nodded my head. Leaning down between the space and resting my head on his shoulder. Chase leaned down and kissed the top of my head, mumbling something I couldn't hear to me. Before I could stop myself, I drifted off to sleep.

My eyes fluttered open to the white ceiling. The cloud of a mattress supporting me and the soft sheets caressing my skin. I nuzzled into Chase's pillow, smelling his shampoo and his natural smell. I smiled contently and closed my eyes. Laughing when I heard a chuckle from the door way.

"This wasn't how I planned for us to come home." Chase crawled in and took his place on his side. His suit gone and replaced by a pair of low hanging sweatpants. I smiled at him and leaned in closer. Nuzzling into his chest instead of the pillow, this was a million times better. His skin rough and soft at the same time. I wondered how something so hard could be so comfortable. Chase's fingers snaked under my chin and tilted my head so he could capture my lips. "I promised you something when we got home, I keep my promises." He whispered against my lips. Kissing the tip of my nose and then working his way down my neck. Sucking, licking and biting once he found my sweet spot. I moaned out, I didn't even know it could feel this good.

"Chase." He smirked against my neck, then pulled my skin into his suction mouth. There would surely be a mark there by the time we were done. He moved so that he was positioned in between my legs. Rubbing up against me, he was bare. Where had his sweatpants gone? My feet got stuck on something and slipped inside. They were halfway down his legs before I pushed them all the way off. Watching as they went flying across the room. I rolled my eyes before I was brushed up against. My head flying backwards and a unheard sound coming out of my mouth. I'd never made that noise before. Chase's hand slipped up my tee shirt and gripped me. Squeezing and tugging at me. "Oh god." I groaned, my head turning from side to side.

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