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Nejire was walking around the halls of the dorm rooms.

She needed to speak to her indigo-haired friend. She saw the signs.

Softly blushing while they were around the other... constant smiles from the blonde and shyness from the indgo-haired...

There was no doubt that Nejire's two best friends were crushing on each other.

She just needed confirmation.

She ran to Tamaki's dorm, knocking on the door until a sleepy Tamaki opened the door.

"H-Hado? Something wrong..?" Tamaki asked sleepily. It was cute, and Nejire giggled. But he's Mirio's and she would never interfere!

"Yeah! I wanted to know if you liked anybody!" Nejire said cheerfully. Tamaki blushed red and pulled the girl into his dorm, closing the door.

"Wh-What gave you that crazy idea, Hado!?" Tamaki said, before softly mumbling to himself. "Was I really that o-obvious...?"

Nejire grinned like the Cheshire cat.

"Spill. You just confirmed it, Amajiki! I wanna know...! I promise I won't tell anyone! Ever!" Nejire said, putting her hands on the boy's shoulders and shaking him.

"Fine.. It... may or may not be Mirio..." Tamaki said quietly, looking away.

"I KNEW IT! Don't worry, I won't tell! Now I'll let you get ready!" Nejire said, running off, and leaving a very confused Tamaki behind.

Nejire ran all the way to Mirio's dorm, knocking on the door until Mirio responded, opening the door. He was already prepared for the day.

"Hey Hado! What's up?" Mirio asked the lavender-haired girl.

"I just wanted to know if you liked anyone!?" She cheerfully responded. Just as Tamaki did, Mirio blushed and dragged the girl into the dorm.

"What pushed you to ask a crazy question like that!?" Mirio said, blushing a soft pink and panicking. Nejire giggled.

"You're blushing Togata! Come on..! Spill! I won't tell anyone! I promise!"

"Fine... it.. uh, may or may not be Tamaki..." Mirio responded sheepishly. Nejire's grin grew wider.

"I KNEW IT. I need to go get ready now! See ya in class!" Nejire said before running off.

She giggled. She knew she had to get some people they worked with on board. If she remembered correctly, all of the people they've worked with come from class 1-A. Perfect!

She quickly sets up a group chat between her, Tsu, Uraraka, Midoriya, and Kirishima. If she remembers correctly, Tamaki worked with Kirishima and Mirio with Midoriya.

Group Chat:

Nejire~Chan: Hey guys!

Froppy: Hey Hado. What's up?

Uravity: Yeah!

Deku: Uh, why was I invited...?

Red Riot: Hey! Aren't you one of Amajiki's friends..?

Nejire~Chan: Yes I am! Uraraka and Tsu, you guys are here because you work with me. Kirishima, you're here because you work with Amajiki, and Midoriya is here because he works with Togata!

Deku: Yeah...? What's this about..?

Uravity: yeah i wanna know too

Nejire~Chan: You guys are here to help with Operation: Miritama!


Froppy: you didn't know-? kero

Nejire~Chan: Yep! And Imma get them together. But I need your guys' help!

Deku: alright... I guess.. but can I invite someone-?

Red Riot: I also wanna invite someone

Nejire~Chan: Go ahead! The more the merrier!

Deku adds 'Shoto' to the chat.

Red Riot adds 'Ground Zero' to the chat.


Red Riot: We're tryna get Amajiki and Togata together! Amajiki is that guy I work with?


Red Riot: It'd be real manly of ya to help out!?


Shoto: I'd like to know why I'm here as well..?

Deku: Oh, um, same reason. I just thought it would be fun!

Shoto: Fine then. I can help.

Deku: Thanks Todoroki!

Group chat end~

Nejire smiles. MORE SHIPS. She'll find a way to help the children too.

Nejire's New OTP -- MiritamaWhere stories live. Discover now