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Wednesday 1 day, 23 hours, 5 minutes before the Carnival.

The class stared outside as it fell to darkness.

Since the dorms were put into place, every so often Aizawa would call them into the classroom while they had their casual clothes. While it could be irritating, more often than not there was good reasoning.

But why were two of the Big Three here to greet them rather than their teacher?

Both seemed to be a bit anxious, in Yaoyorozu's opinion. She glanced at Jirou, who was looking at them with interest.

She smiled. At least Jirou seemed to be okay. And her girlfriend was beautiful, even more so than the moon, as always.

Yaoyorozu shifted her attention to her other classmates. After all, they may have more understanding of the situation.

However she was met with a grim state she had not noticed previously. Her eyes widened slightly. How didn't she notice?

Some of the sights were normal. Kaminari was on the phone with Shinsou, his boyfriend, earlier. That's normal at this point.

Ojirou and Hagakure were talking earlier as well. They were dating too, they had been for 3 months now.

And she couldn't forget the way Kirishima and Bakugou were always so close.

But Yaoyorozu also noticed a lot of unspoken tension. For example, Midoriya had a rather guilty look while Todoroki flat out ignored him.

There was also tension between Tsu, Iida, and Uraraka. Tsu just seemed... angry. Very much unlike her.

And even if Kirishima and Bakugou were close as always, Kirishima seemed to be in a state of borderline panic.

Yaoyorozu's eyes narrowed. As class vice-president, she felt like she had connected the dots.

Something bad happened between everyone.

And as class vice-president, she'd be the one to help fix it. She noticed nobody seemed eager to speak up, including Tamaki and Mirio.

If they wouldn't, then she definitely would.

"If you would not mind me asking, Amajiki, Togata, may I ask why you two have chosen to come by today, and the whereabouts of Aizawa-sensei?" Yaoyorozu spoke in her formal manner, standing up.

Many of the class looked at her with respect. Most of them wouldn't talk to their greaters so easily.

To the shock of most of her peers, including Mirio, Tamaki was the one to respond.

"W-We c-came  at th-the request of Aizawa-sensei... and he is i-in the d-dorms..." Tamaki said, stuttering but still managing to speak in a way that was understandable.

Mirio put an arm around Tamaki's shoulder, proud of his rather shy and seclusive friend.

"You mean to tell me Aizawa-sensei will not be present? This is rather unprofessional!" Iida spoke up, now standing as well.

"Hey! I assure you we'll be great teachers for you guys! He might come around, but believe me, we have something cool planned!" Mirio said in his cheerful and loud voice.

"Yeah.. but why isn't that hot girl with you? She looked like a cute thing.." Mineta said, much to the disgust of his peers. And of Tamaki.

"U-Um, Hado isn't a thing... And she's busy..." Tamaki stuttered.

"Yeah she is. And she needs to get un-busy, so we can plan something in my room tonight..." Mineta said. Yaoyorozu spoke up again against him.

"Mineta! This is unacceptable behaviour! Apologize!" She yelled. Many others nodded in agreement.

"Hey..  I don't see what I did wrong! Besides, whether or not she wants to I'm sure I could give her enough pleasure to-" Mineta said, cut off by the door slamming.

Aizawa stood at the door, absolutely disgusted by what he heard.

"I'm dragging you to Nezu's office. You can explain yourself to him." Aizawa then proceeded to wrap Mineta with his scarf, dragging him to the office despite his constant yells.

Tamaki looked at Mirio, who sighed.

"Well, how about we get ready to go out?" Mirio said quickly.


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