[5]: What do I do with forever now?

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A/N: As I am beginning new chapters. I usually have a little synapsis of what I want the scene to go.  Before I begin the chapter, I usually find a song that inspires me.  From there, as I am writing, the song is on repeat until that chapter is completing.  Enjoy.


[Scott's POV]

        I am just sitting there, standing on her side of the bed, watching as she sleeps.  I had gotten up an hour before.  Shaved, dressed, and ready for the day, ready to start the life I had been leading for the past six months all over again.  Attending pack meetings all day, taking care of any financial responsibilities I needed, and to make sure any on-going projects were on track.  After which, I would head into town to do what I did every night, punish Elise and excise my demons in the body of whatever willing woman dropped in my lap.  That woman usually being Giselle, as she required little effort on my part, exactly how I liked it.

        My eyes going back to my wife, I extended my finger out to her cheek, wanting to slightly run it down it.  The barest of touches, my heart wanting it so badly.  But I didn't allow myself any weaknesses, especially when it came to my wife.  Pulling my hand back before it could do what I craved to do.  I quickly leaned over, shaking her shoulders awake.  As her eyes focused on me after I had abruptly woken her, I state as I do every morning.

"I have meetings in town tonight, don't wait up."

        Even-though I give her the same order every night, every night she ignores me and waits up.  It's like a game of cat and mouse.  I know, when I am done with Giselle tonight and I return home.  She will be waiting in the same spot on the couch, the only difference between any night from each other, was the color of the clothing she would be wearing when I walked through the door.


[Elise's POV]

        'I can't stay in this house all day.' I think to myself as I watch Scott leave our room.  I needed to get out of here, to shake myself out of the melancholy I had been suffering from.    Still slightly exhausted, but not wanting to spend my day sleeping as I almost always did now, I reached over to my nightstand, and pick up my cell phone.  Sliding my finger across the face, it lights up under my touch.  I begin to scroll through my call history, knowing her number would be at the top, as she was the only person I ever talked to now.

"Hey girl." I hear Laura say.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could come into town and spend it with you if you weren't working today."

"Nope, I am off today.  Go ahead and swing by."

"Ok, see you in about 45, K?"

"Yup, see you then."

        I hang up the phone then, and place it back on my nightstand.  Lifting the covers off of me, I slide my legs to the floor.  I sit up, as my feet hit the lush beige carpet in our room, before standing.  I stretch for a second, before I head to the en-suite.  As I flip the light on, I can't help but see a discarded used towel on the floor.  Picking it up, I put it to my nose and deeply inhale its scent.  It smells like him, how I loved his smell.  I never got close enough to him anymore to take his distinct aroma in anymore.  I occasionally allowed myself to do this from time to time, with some article of clothing of his, that was laying about.  But when the cheap perfume had begun to appear, I had quickly stopped.  But his used towels lacked that perfume, and I would smell him.   I would end up drying myself with it usually, pretending that it was him enveloping my body and caressing it, instead of the towel.  I knew I would do the same thing today, after showering.

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