[6]: Encrumbrance

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[Scott's POV]

        I loosen my tie as I excited my house.  The meetings seemed a lot more tedious today, then normal.  There had been a time, when I could cut my boredom in the long meetings with pack member after pack member that came to my office to discuss a grievance, or some project that they were trying to get endorsed, by exchanging texts with Elise.  Being an Alpha required a lot of work, since you are basically responsible for the lives of more then two hundred members.  She had sent me loving words of encouragement, corny jokes, or even naughty pictures.  She had been part of my life everyday, all day, whether  we were together or apart from each other physically.  Now that I had effectively cut her from my life, there was nothing to keep the boredom at bay.

        I started my car, and took my cell phone out of my pocket.  Immediately, I flipped through my contacts until Giselle's name appeared.  Tapping on the screen, I sent her a text indicating that I was on my way without even asking her for permission.  I already knew I didn't have to ask her at all, she would be ready no matter how I had left her the night before.  Just as I was going to shift my car into gear, I received a response from Giselle telling me where to pick her up from.

          I use the controls for the radio on my steering column to turn the volume up, Grieg' Nocturne playing its soft notes.  It wasn't until the song had completed that I had realized that when I had left, Elise's car had been gone as well.  Furrowing my brows together, annoyed that I hadn't discovered it before then.  I immediately picked my cell from the cup holder I had placed it in after reading Giselle's text, looking to see if I had missed any texts or calls from Elise letting me know where she had left to.  Seeing nothing my anger peaked, and I slammed my hand into the steering wheel.  I knew, I would be taking this rage out in Giselle's body later tonight.

        As I drove up West Broadway, I begin looking for a parking spot near the café that Giselle had told me to pick her up from.  Looking around, I spotted one a few stores down from it.  Just as I parked and got out of my car, Giselle came running up to me, placing her arms around my neck and kissing me on the street.  Although I did not care if my car was seen in front of her house or not, I didn't like her kissing me on such a public street.

Taking her arms off of me from around my neck, and pushing her slightly away, I tell her to get in the car.  Once the doors are closed, I turn to her.

"I have told you a dozen times my rules for our engagement.  One importantly that you do not do what you just did out there."

"Oh please, lover.  You park your car in front of my house every night until the early dawn.  As if people don't know you are spending your time with me.  Why hide it then?"

"Giselle, I don't care what people think, but if they do not see it with their own eyes, it can easily be denied or a some what reasonable explanation can be given.  If you cannot follow my rules, then this can end as easily as it began.  Pick your poison."

"You are seriously a bastard, Scott."

"So are you going to get out or are we going back to your house? Your choice, as long as you obey what I say."

"Whatever, my house. You're still an asshole."

        I don't respond to her statement, knowing that it is true.  I am an asshole, but I just don't give a damn what this woman thinks.  There had only ever been one woman's opinion that had mattered, but she had died in my eyes.

        Pulling up to Giselle's house, I park my car, and we quickly head inside.  Not even waiting to get to her bedroom, I begin sliding my hands under her shirt from behind her.  My hands sliding up and under her bra, cupping her breasts.  She moans as my fingers trap them between my fingers, and pitch.  She turns around in my arms then, and I shover her to kneel in front of me.  One hand on the back of her head, I use the other to zip the fly of my pants down and my member springs out hard and waiting.

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