[8]: New Beginning?

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[Scott's POV]

        It has been a month since that night.  A month sinced I loved Elise's body with my own.  No, not made love, cause there was no love left for her within me.  Right? No, I would not allow myself to question my motives and actions.  She was nothing to me, not ever again.  Since that night, it has been tense between us.  Nothing has changed in our routine at all.  She still waits up for me every night when I get home, but what she doesn't know is I haven't always spent them with Giselle.

        There have been quite a few nights that my body does not want Giselle, but Elise.  The memory of her body under mine as I reached oblvion my own nightmarish obsession.  So fogged was my mind of Elise, that no one but her could assuage the lust I felt.  The mere thought of Giselle repelled me.  So I had spent those nights with the comfort of my only companion, liquor.  I would find myself wandering the streets of Goldendale until the early morning hours with no where to go, and no where I really wanted to be.  Only my physical exhaustion would force me to return home to sleep.  I found more often than not, this was happening to me,

        It angered me that Elise still had this hold on me.  This unshakable force drawing me to her.  The unfairness of the mate bond, trying to force me to submit to my more basic instincts.  I hated her, but my body craved hers.  It wasn't fair.  But it had been in that month, I had found some of my salvation in the form of a beautiful brunette with sad grey eyes.  A woman whom knew the meaning of pain, and recognized it in others. The woman that my childhood friend, Damien, called mate, and I called friend.

        I remember seeing her about on Damien's territory through the years, but never really paying attention to her, or whom she was.  It wasn't until I was summoned to Damien's territory for a meeting, that I had been introduced to his lovely mate.  Though surprised at the revelation of whom she was to him since Rachel had been announced as his mate only months prior, I had never questioned it.  It wasn't my business, but I found it intriguing that she may understand the demons that plague me inside.  Finally someone whom could relate to how I was feeling.  With that thought running through my mind, I hadn't missed a beat in approaching her when I happened to run into her the same day in town.

        She had been standing in front of a small boutique, admiring a clinging red dress in the window when I had seen her. I approached her from her left, and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Leilani, is that you?"

   She turned then and smiled at me, before saying. "Scott, Right?"

"Yes, yes it is.  Fancy running into you here.  Twice in one day.  I could call that fate." I said with a wink

"Oh yes, I guess we were destined to be together forever!"

"Why aren't you being forward my dear.  I always have had a weak spot for women who know what they want.  Me." I said, while pointing at myself.

"Why aren't you the flirt, Mr. Winterstone."

"At your service, madam." I said to her, before bowing down causing her to laugh at my antics.

"So what brings you into town?"

"Oh I thought I would just window shop.  I haven't been in town for awhile, and wanted to get out of the house. You?"

"Oh, just picking up supplies.  Would you like to grab a cup of coffee next door and talk?"

"Sure." she stated as I guided her to the little shop.

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