[15]: The Others

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[Scott's POV]

        I watch as the woman I love dearly walks back into Laura's house.  Back to whomever the hell that guy was that had touched her the way only me, her mate, should ever.  Slamming my palms into the top of my steering wheel, I sat there fuming and angry.  But I wasn't angry at that man, although it did piss me off, it was more directed at myself.  I had lost all train of thought, as I saw her skipping down the stairs of the house and jog to the car.  Her blonde hair slightly breezing behind her, a small smile on her face.  She was radiant, beautiful, and healthy looking.  I hadn't seen her shine like that in so long, and it infuriated me that I had been the cause for that radiance to diminish.  At that moment, I had stepped out of the car.  The speech I had planned out flew out of the window as soon as I heard her voice.  The things I wanted to say, I didn't.

        Instead, I had stood there with a foot firmly placed in my mouth.  Saying all the wrong things.  Doing all the wrong things.  Then I watched as that man came out, and they shared some form of affectation for one another, and what little brain function I had then, flew out the window.  I was so mad at myself for not groveling the way I should have, for not saying the things I wanted to say.  I knew that a pretty speech wouldn't make up for all the crap I piled on her for months.  But it was a start, and I had to start somewhere.  I had to show her I wasn't that man anymore.  The same one that had shamed her, made her feel less than what she was.  And she was the woman I love, though I hadn't really shown her that.   I knew she was going to be angry with me, but there was this deep seated anger in her eyes that was on the verge of loathing for me.  And it stung.

        I had no idea where to start now.  My first impression with Elise at her return had obviously gone so wrong.  Whatever I did next had to be perfect, or I would never have this chance again. But what could I do? I thought back to the time before she left.  Had I ever been truly interested in what she cared for? The honest answer to that was no.  She was apart of my life, as I expected.  But I hadn't really taken the time to be apart of her life.  I had just expected for her world to revolve around me without me giving her the same back.  That couldn't happen this time around, if there was another time around.  Her dreams, hopes, and future had to be just as important as my own, and I would make sure of it.

        Picking up my phone, I scrolled through my contacts and selected a number I had recently used.  Again it rings twice before the voice on the other line picks up.

"Hey Ryan, I have one more favor to ask of you."


[Elise's POV]

        Getting up from sitting in front of Laura's front door, I brushed myself off.  Taking a fortifying breath, I walked into the living room.  There sitting is an enraged Laura with a concerned Julian sitting next to her.  His arms propped up on his knees.  I can sense the thick tension in the air, as I know without a doubt Julian told Laura of Scott's presence.

"What the fuck did that douche lord want?"

"Laura calm down, he's gone."

"Calm down?! I don't know why you aren't as pissed off that he just decided to pop up here of his own accord."

"Laura. seriously..."

"No! Why aren't you mad Elise!? Why?  He took everything from you.  He won't take anymore!"

"That's right Laura, it was me he hurt.  It was me that suffered it.  And I know you love me, and you want the best for me.  But I am not you, and stop expecting me to react the way you would.  I am me!  I don't have the energy right now in me to hate.  That doesn't mean I won't ever, but not right now.  Everything I have left to give right now is to make sure you are okay, and to mourn my daughter's death.  Don't ask more of me, cause I just don't have it to give." I said, ending in sobs.

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