[3]: I Loved You Once

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[Scott's POV]

        After saying good evening to Elise, I immediately turned my back on her.  Needing to hide my body's reaction to her, and also forcing myself away from her eyes.  Her eyes had always captivated me and held me hostage.  If they were the windows into one's soul, then you would be able to see into her's readily.  However, I knew different because she had no soul.  She couldn't tell me she loved me, and then do what she had done to me if she had one.

        I begin my trek up the stairs to go to our bedroom.  Funny how we still share a bed, even if nothing happens in it.  But with me being an Alpha, appearances were everything.  Although at this point, because of my lack of indiscretion, most of my pack and the local humans knew of my extracurricular activities now.  Though of course, outside of Laura, the other humans did not know who and what I really was.  I didn't really care what my pack members thought of me, as long as they obeyed my commands.  And being honest, most of my own pack members knew what Laura had done.  It was not easy hiding something like that when all our wolves were tied to a mind link.

        There were times where I accidentally let my mental barriers down, and the pack could hear my thoughts.  The news of her act had spread like wild-fire amongst my people, and slowly I watched as they began giving Elise the cold shoulder.  I watched as they began walking away from her at pack meetings when she approached them.  I noticed the women ignored her in a group when she asked a question.  Although I should find some satisfaction in it, because I had wanted her to be punished, I didn't find it as satisfying as I had thought I would.  But I hadn't stopped it, not really wanting to save her.  That's when I saw her vibrance begin to wane, and she became quiet and withdrawn.  As much as it would have killed me to see her spirit broken in the past, I knew she deserved it for breaking me, and I no longer cared enough.

        My mate bond with her was what first attracted me to her.  My wolf's pull was instinctual to her.  And yes, I was shocked to learn that my destined mate was a human, but I was not close-minded and racist against the human populace.  I had accepted it completely, understanding that this was my fate as my parents had taught me.  I never hesitated in that knowledge.  The only thing I had any worry about was telling her exactly what I was, without shocking her or making her run for the hills thinking I was some sort of nut job.  When I did tell her, it was her wit and response that made me fall in love with her unequivocally and totally.  She owned my heart from that day on, until she threw it away of course.

        We had been laying in my bed in the early morning hours of the day.  I had spent most of the night worshipping her body with my own.  Both of us finding intense pleasure every time we ended.  We had already been together for a year at this point, but she was still living with Laura as we did not want to move forward too quickly.  I had been contemplating on asking her to move in with me by then, but knowing before we could do that, I would have to tell her the secrets I kept hidden for fear of her reaction.

        Noticing my body becoming tense under her own, she had lifted her hazel eyes to mine.  Putting her hand on my cheek, her eyes searching mine.

"What's wrong Scott?'

"There's something I need to tell you." I state, and I watch as concern spreads across her face.

        She sits up then, using my red sheet to cover her nakedness.  One hand securing it in place, as she uses the other hand to prop herself up in a sitting position.  She turns to me then, and I see sadness in her eyes for a split second.

"Oh, I guess I knew this was coming." she says on a whisper.

"What was coming?"

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