Chapter #1

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Rose pov.

He was gone, he was gone and he was never coming back. That's what I told myself as I hit the punching bag as hard as I could over and over. I had to be better, if I was better I could have saved him. Could have gotten there faster could have got him out of there before he was killed. I just kept seeing him, seeing his face every time I closed my eyes. I needed to be better, I didn't sleep, didn't eat. I just trained and trained and trained I didn't even speak to Lissa anymore.

They never found Dimitri's body in that cave. That cave haunted my nightmares. Every time I fell asleep I saw him walk in there and no matter how long I waited he never walked back out, then he was lying at my feet dead. Blood seeping from his neck but there was no saving him, if it wasn't for the blood on his neck I'd nearly think he was sleeping, but he wasn't.

That image made me sick to my stomach and made me train harder 'If I was faster, better I could have saved him' Nobody knew what was 'wrong' with me. They knew I was talking the attack hard but nobody knew why. Not the full reason anyway.

I was so focused on my training I didn't hear the door open or see the group of people standing at the door watching me. I didn't even notice my bruised and blooded knuckles. I didn't even feel the pain I probably should be feeling.

All of a sudden I felt hands on my shoulders dragging me away from the punching bag "LET GO OF ME!" The hands disappeared and I turned around "WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed and dropped into my fighting stance but realised that the person who grabbed me wasn't a threat, it was Alberta and for the first time I saw Lissa and Christan and Eddie standing by the door. "What are ye all doing here? I have to train." I said and went to turn back around to the punching bag but Lissa spoke up.

"Rose your hands." I looked at my hands and finally noticed the bruised and blooded mess they'd become. I took a quick glance at the clock on the wall and saw it was lunch time. I'd gone for my run at sundown and been training since.

"It's nothing, they'll heal" I replied "They won't if you keep hurting them" Eddie spoke up I could see the anger in his eyes put even more obvious was the concern, I could see it in all there eyes. Especially Lissa's. "Rose, you haven't been eating or sleeping and you've barely hung out with your friends. If your not in class your training and we are worried" Alberta finally said

"I'm fine. I don't want anything to eat I'm not hungry" I said just hoping they'd leave me alone to get back to my training. I had to be better, for him. "What has gotten in to you? The Rose Hathaway we know and love is always hungry." Christen of course was the one to speak this time.

Finally I snapped "WELL THE ROSE YOU KNOW AND 'LOVE' WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH. SHE WASN'T FAST ENOUGH OR STRONG ENOUGH." I screamed and fell to the floor crying my eyes out. In an instant Lissa was by my side with Alberta folowed closely by Eddie and Fire boy.


I was in my room with Lissa and Alberta, I'd asked Eddie and Pryo to leave us alone so I could talk to the girls. "Rose, I know the attacks were hard on you, it was hard or everyone but what makes you think you weren't good enough? I mean you've killed more strigoi then any other dhampir your age." Alberta asked

"I know I'm not good enough. I have to be better, faster, stronger. If I had been that day then he would still be here." I whispered "Is this about Mason? Rose that was not your fault, I thaught you knew that. Mason ran back into that house you told him to run but he saved your life and you know it." Lissa siad "It's not about Mason." I said I didn't know how to tell them.

"Then who? Who couldn't you save?" Lissa asked and as soon as the question left her mouth I saw Alberta's face changed, she'd figured it out "Guardian Belikov" She whispered it was more a statement than a question but I answered it anyway. "Yes" I said "I was in love with Dimitri and he was in love with me. We tried to hide it but that night we finally decided we couldn't kid our self anymore. We loved each other." I was crying again but not as bad or as loudly as in the gym "And now he's gone and never coming back." I said through sobs of anger and pure grief and pain.

That night I cried myself to sleep but didn't stay asleep for very long as once my eyes were closed the nightmares started. Dimitri was lying at my feet again but it was different this time unlike all the other times I'd had this dream Dimitri suddenly sat up blood still seeping from the wound in his neck. "Rose?" His voice was raspy as he spoke again "Why didn't you save me? Why did you let me die?" He asked "I-I -I'm s-s-orry" I started crying at the sight of my lover asking me why I hadn't saved him.

I woke with a jolt and sat up in my bed. I was covered in sweat and panting. I couldn't breathe, I just sat there crying till the sun went down and it was time to go train. I changed into my running gear and went for a long run the trained in the gym until class started. I went to lunch with Lissa but only because she forced me. I ate an apple and managed to get away from her long enough to still get in some training before my next class. After all my class were done I went for another run and then spent more hours training until Lissa and Eddie pulled me into the canteen to eat dinner. After witch I sat in my room and tried to forget my dream once again, but it was no use. The dream still haunted me for the nest of the vampire day until I finally fell asleep and started the cycle all over again.

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