Chapter #5

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2 Years Later

Rose pov

It's been two years, two years since he died. Two years since Dimitri left me and I kinda went off the rails. I trained and trained and trained it was basically all I ever did, till that fatefull day.

About six months after Dimitri died I callapsed during one of my combat classes. Turns out all the extra training and lack of food took their toll. I had to spend a week in hospital and another week off training after that. I hated every second of those two weeks, but I got by and was much better off for it. I still trained like crazy but not as much as before. The extra training time meant I got in less trouble witch Kirova and Alberta were happy about and I eat way better now too, Lissa makes sure of it.

Speaking of Lissa, she should be here soon it was almost dinner time. She would be here to make sure I go to the canteen and eat something more then an apple even though I've been good since the 'inacadent' as Lissa and I referred to it as. "Rose?" I heard my name and a knock on the door. "It's open, come in" I called and turned back to my homework. One of the many things I did now to reduce my training was destracing myself and homework proved to be a great distraction plus my teachers were happy I was finally doing my work.

Lissa shut the door behind her as she walked in. "Hey, time for food." She smiled as she sat down beside me "Just let me finsh this" I replied "So much as changed this past two years." She said sadly "But I think Rose Hathaway doing her homework before it's due without getting in trouble is the wierdest and most alarming of all of them." She said with a laugh. "Hey, I haven't changed that much." I said leaving out the part about why I'd changed so much. After the incadent Lissa told me that Dimitri wouldn't want be hurting myself and I knew he always loved my rebellious side but hoped that I would do better in my class. "Oh come on, you've changed. You used to be a party animal and always got into trouble and would never do your homework. You haven't gone to a party in two years you've barely gotten into trouble and your sitting here telling me you'll go get food AFTER you've finshed your homework." Lissa was laughing "Ok ok I get it I've changed, lets get food." I said as I closed up my books and stood. "Lets go." She smiled and we left my doorm and went to the canteen together.

"Hey." Christen said as Lissa and I sat down "Hey Rose." Eddie smiled. "Hey guys." Lissa and I said at the same time. "Hey, I'm thinking about going up to Tasha to surprise her, everytime she's visted she told me about her son and he's nearly two and I haven't seen him yet." Christan said after taking a bite from a peace of chicken. "When?" Lissa asked "Well I've to ask Headmistress Kirova, but I was hoping for sometime next week. Go up and stay for a few days maybe a week. I was hoping ye would want to come with me. I'm sure Tasha would love to see you all again. She hasn't been down to see us in ages." Christen replied "Oh we'd love to go." Lissa spoke before anyone else could. "Wouldn't we?" Asked Lissa when nobody else responed "A few days off school. Sure." Eddie answered "Rose?" Lissa asked when I still hadn't answered. "I don't know." I answered

I didn't like Tasha much, she was always pining after Dimitri and I didn't like that about her, but now that he's dead there won't be a problem. Would there? "You know what. I'll go. It would be a nice break" I faked a smile "Yay, see we'll all go with you Christan." Lissa smiled again, she loved Tasha. And Christan I guess.

*Next Week*

The week had gone by so quickly I was surprised when Lissa came knocking on my door for our trip to stay with Tasha and her family. I hurriedly got out of bed, I was sleeping better for the last year but still having nightmares. I was usually awake by the time Lissa came knocking on my door each morning. "I'm coming." I called as I walked across my dorm to let Lissa in. "Morning" She called cheerfully as I opened my door. "Morning" I said back "Are you ready?" She asked "For our trip to see Tasha?" Lissa added at the confused look on my face "That's today?" I asked "Yep. We leave in an hour" Lisssa said back "Nearly ready." I said and dashed into my room. "So that's an 'I haven't packed a thing.'" She laughed as she followed me into my room and shut the door.

With Lissa helping me pack I was ready to on time. We got to the car just in time for the 5 hour drive to Tasha house. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked. When everyone looked at me like I'd gained 3 heads I added "Surprise Tasha? You know she mightn't be there." Chistan looked very proud of himself as he answered "I called her yesterday and asked her if she had any plans for the week end or if she was going anywhere nice. She said she was staying home all weekend with her son and her hubby." Christan smiled triumphantly. "Seems you thought of everything." I said as I faked a smile, I'd gotten good at them since Dimitri died.

I woke up to Lissa shaking me "Rose! Wake up. We're here." Lissa said "I'm up I'm up." I answered sleepily. "Well come on then." Christan said from outside the car "You go ahead, I'll follow ye." I answered I needed a few minutes to calm myself from my nightmare and to wake myself up a bit. "Ok, but don't take to long." Lissa managed as Christan pulled her out of the chair. He was excited to see his aunt again and to finally meet his cousin.

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