Chapter #2

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Dimitri pov

I opened my eyes to blinding light and instantly shut them again. "Ah your awake" Said A voice I didn't recognise, now that I think about it I didn't recognise or remember anything about my life at all. I slowly opened my eyes again and let them get used to the light, I was met with a small woman in a long white lab coat and short blonde hair that came to just below her ear. "Can you hear me?" She asked and I nodded "Do you know your name?" She asked "No." I answered my throat was dry and sore witch made my voice sound raspy. "I'll get you some water" She left but soon returned with a cup of cool water that soothed my sore throat. "My name is Doctor Sharon Kelly. Do you know where you are?" She asked "Hospital" I answered my voice was till rapsy sounding but it wasn't as bad as it had been and it was getting a lot easier to talk as time went on.

"Yes, do you remember what happened?" Doctor Kelly asked "No, I don't remember anything at all." I replied. "You were found on the side of the road 2 weeks ago covered in blood/cuts and bruises. A woman brought you here. She didn't know anything about you or what happened but she was very worried."

After Doctor Kelly ran some tests she came back and told me the woman who found me was here and wanted to see me "I can tell her to go." Dr Kelly said "but it might be good for you to have someone to talk to and she said she has something for you." She added "Let her in" I wanted to meet the woman who saved my life and see what she had for me.

*Knock knock* "Hi, my name is Lucy Lambert." A tall woman with long black curly hair stood in the doorway. "Are you the woman who saved me?" I asked the woman named Lucy Lambert "Yes, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. So what's your name?" She asked me "I don't remember my name or anything else for that matter." I answered "Oh well this might help." She said and took a phone out of her pocket. "I found this in my back seat yesterday. I think it fell out of your pocket when I brought you here." She handed me the phone before adding "There are a lot of missed calls from someone named Tasha but they stopped calling a few days after I found you." I turned on the phone and saw I had 20 missed calls from this Tasha and at least 20 messages all asking where I was and what happened to me. I played one of her voicemails, "Dimitri" Said a sad voice that was clearly crying "It's Tasha again. Where are you? I'm worried. Please call me back if you ever get this. They all think your dead but I won't accept it." The voicemail ended and I noticed the doctor was standing beside Lucy with her clipboard pressed against her.

"Who was that?" She asked "Some woman named Tasha, I think she knows me." I answered "She thinks I'm dead." I added "Well call her. Tell her your alive, she could know where to find you friends and family and where your form." Lucy exclaimed "I pressed the 'call back' button on the phone and heard it start to ring

Not long after I heard a high pitched shriek over the phone "DIMKA?" "H-h-ello? I this Tasha?" I asked nervously "Yes, Dimitri is that you?" I could hear the tears in her voice but something sounded strange about but I couldn't place what it was. "I think so. I don't remember anything of my life or my name. I was found by the side of the road a few weeks ago and we only just found my phone now." I explained "Oh Dimka. Are you ok? Where are you? I'll come get you." The woman, Tasha, sounded panicked "Um, I'm-" I broke off realising I didn't know where I was. "He's at Westend Hospital, do you know where that is?" Asked Dr Kelly "Y-yes. Who was that Dimka?" Asked Tasha "Sorry, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Doctor Sharon Kelly I've been treating your friend here." Dr Kelly answered "Oh, I'll be at the hospital in and hour." She said "I'll see you soon." She hung up the phone and I couldn't help but be happy that I had someone in the world.

"Glad you found people you know. That woman can make sure you get back on your feet." Lucy smiled "I'd better be going now but I'm happy you found who you are Dimirti." Lucy added "Thank you Lucy, you not only saved my life but helped me find out who am I. Thank you." I replied. "Goodbye" Lucy said as she waved goodbye. "Bye" I smiled as she left my hospital room and walked away. "Well looks like you'll be leaving us very soon. Your tests all look good and your friend is on her way." Dr Kelly smiled and too left my hospital.

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