"We need to talk"

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Jackie's POV

After Mac left I took the time to think things over. I should really talk to Rhett. I don't even know where we stand. Was I just a one night stand, or something more. I still feel really guilty about the Ethan thing. I basically killed him. I wasn't drunk and the wreck wasn't my fault, but I feel responsible because I was driving. I haven't told anyone I feel. I hoping that if I don't think about it will go away. 

That's why I grabbed my phone and texted Rhett. I would rather deal with this problem.

Me: Hey come over we need to talk. 

I invited him over, because I am still a little scared to be driving again. I still have a concussion. I don't want to go back to hospital right after I got out. Rhett tested me back almost instantly.

Rhett: Yeah sure I'll be right there. 

With that I straighten up my room a little bit. I had some stuff scattered on the floor. It was mostly clothing. I quickly look myself over in my mirror. I can't look like shit if he is coming over. I don't have makeup on, but I don't care. My hair is in a big rat's nest on the top of my head. I walk down the hall to my bathroom and run a brush through it. After I finish brushing it out i throw it up into a messy bun. I already look a lot better than before. 

Now I need to get out of my pajamas. I walk back to room. I pull sweatpants and a random t-shirt out of my closet. I pull them on right on time. My doorbell rings. I walk over to the front door. I open the door to Rhett .Not that I expected it to be anyone else. 

"Hey, come on in." I say moving out of the way, so he can come in. 

I shut the door and motion for him to follow me to my room. I take a seat on one of my two bean bags. I pat the other one indicating for him to sit down. He does.

"Well, what is that you wanted to talk about? I mean I'm pretty sure that I know what you want to talk about." He asked after gets situated in the bean bag.

"I'll just get right to the point. What are we? Am I just a one night stand, or something else?" I ask very bluntly. I didn't want to beat around the bush. 

"You would never be a one night stand to me. I didn't plan for any of that to happen that night. I just wanted to hang out with you cause I liked you. I didn't realized how much I liked you until Mac's party. I was actually going to ask you out on a date, but then there is what happened in the wreck. I wanted to give you your space. I didn't want to bug." he says melting my heart.

That was so sweet. I had no idea that he could be this soft. He is known as a big player at school. That's one of the reasons I never liked him. I sit there not saying anything, because I am so shocked. 

"So Jackie, this isn't exactly how I had planned to ask you out. Jackie will you go out on a date with me?" He asks breaking the silence. 

"How could I say no with what you just told me? Yes, Rhett I would love to go on a date with you." I say.

He stands up from the bean bag and says, "Okay great  I will be you up on Friday at seven."

With that he walks out of my room and leaves. I am really happy and excited. I let out a little scream and dance around my room. I have this amazing feeling inside me. I spin all around around room. I stop when I get a feeling in the bottom of my stomach. I run down to my bathroom. I barely make it to my toilet before I empty the contents of my stomach. I had to have thrown up because of the spinning not anything else. I mean what else could it be. 

I walk down to my room, now feeling drained of energy. I plop down on my bed. It is so warm. I wrap myself in all of my blankets. I slowly drift off to sleep. 

Mac's Pov

After I made sure that Jackie was still alive I headed home. I have to finish some homework. It wasn't hard, so it shouldn't take me long. I just hate homework. I puts me in a bad mood when I have to do it. In my opinion no one should have homework. There are even studies that show that homework don't help you that much. Most of you learning will take place in the classroom with the teacher. If a student get it in the classroom then there is no way they are going to figure it out on their on with homework. 

I finish my homework as soon as I get home. I usually put it off till later. Today I just wanted to get it over with. By the time is done my mom is calling everyone for dinner over the intercom. I wonder if Max told my parents that he proposed to Ellie. I haven't seen her since that night and I haven't seen him since this morning. I gather all my work together and put it into my backpack so I don't forget it tomorrow.

I make my way down stairs. When I reach the dinning room I find Max, Ellie, and my dad having small talk at the table. Her left hand is underneath the table, so I take that as a no that they haven't told my parents. I walk over to Ellie and give her a small hug. I take my usual set at the table. Just as I sit down my mom comes in with chicken'n'rice. It is my favorite meal. My mouth begins to water I'm pretty sure. My dad says grace and then we all dig in. This meal is high demand in this house. 

We eat peacefully. Everyone is having small talk and just catching up. Max suddenly stands up. "Ellie and I have some great news. Mom, Dad when y'all were gone I proposed and she said yes." He says grabbing her hand to show the ring. Just like Max to make it a real big ordeal instead of just telling them sitting down. 

My mom has tears in her eyes.She walks over to Ellie and hugs her. I walk over to them while Max and my dad are having a "guy talk". My mom was admiring the ring when I said, "So mom when are you going to pay up. I won the bet that Max would propose before I graduated." This causes her and Ellie to burst into laughter. Little did they know I wasn't kidding. I wanted my money that I had rightfully earned. 

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