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Jackie’s POV

My head is killing me. Why does it hurt so badly? I don’t remember coming home last night. HOLY SHIT I DIDN’T GO HOME LAST NIGHT WHERE AM I? Slowly I flutter my eyes open. The rooms white and the light is really bright. As soon as I opened my eyes, my mom rushes to my side crying saying “She’s awake, someone go get the doctor.”

“Mom, where am I? What happened last night?”

“Sweetheart you are in the hospital.” She pauses, bows her head, and lets out a long sigh. “You were in a wreck last night. Do you remember anything at all?”

That’s when it all came flooding back to me.

 “I was driving, Susan was in the backseat passed out, and Ethan was in the passenger seat. We were on Main St. and then we were hit. They hit us on Ethan’s side. I remember the sirens and the flashing lights and that’s it.”

I deiced against telling my mom about what Ethan told me because it was kind of freaky. For all I know I could have dreamt it. My mom keeps looking at me like she wants to tell me something. Right when I was about to ask, Mac came bursting through the door.

“OH MY GOSH YOU’RE AWAKE! I WAS SO WORRIED!” She practically screams.

She runs over to me throwing her arms around. I hug her back, still not knowing what the hell is going on.

Mac looks over to my mom and says, “She doesn’t know yet does she?” My mom just shakes her head and walks out of the door. OK SHIT IS GETTING HELLA CRAZY! Mac is staring at me with tears in her eyes just shaking her head. She was right about to tell me, when Rhett walks in. Oh my gosh who is all here. There are way too many things going through my head right now.

“Rhett, get the hell out!” Mac yells at her hot cousin.

“Okay” he says and walks out the door. That is the strangest thing I have seen all day. He never walks out without a smartass remark. How crazy can this day get.

“Jackie, there was a fatality in the wreck.” She paused with tears now streaming down her face. “It was Ethan.”

I sit there in shock. My mouth is wide open. Without control tears start pouring out of my eyes. Ethan may have been my stalker at one point, but he turned his life around for the better. I feel so guilty. This is all my fault.

“Jackie, are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just unbelievable.”

“I know. So how are you feeling?”

“My head is killing and my shoulder is a little sore.”

“I would expect your head to hurt, because you have a concussion. I would tell the doctor about you shoulder. Well, I’m going to go home. Bye Jackie I will see you soon.”

This shit is weird as fuck. I think I’m just going to go back to sleep. I close my eyes and fall fast asleep.

Mac’s POV

I want to check on Susan before I leave. She is right down the hall from Jackie. When I walk out the door Luke is sitting in the chair outside the door. He looks really tired. He has dark circles under his eyes. That probably because he stayed up night. He insisted that I sleep, at first I was hesitant, but then exhaustion took over me and won.

“Hey Luke I’m just going to go check on Susan, then we can leave.” I say.

He just nods and tries to keep himself awake.

I walk into room and I find Susan making out with one of the male nurses. They see me and instantly stop. The nurse just walks out awkwardly. Susan seems to perfectly fine with her injuries.

“Hey Susan.”

“Hey, did you hear that fag Ethan died in the car crash.”

“Yeah, I just told Jackie and she is taking it really hard.”

“She is finally free of that stalker. How can she be upset?”

“I know I remember when I used to say, you look up there’s Ethan you look down there’s Ethan you turn around there’s Ethan.”

This makes Susan burst into laughter. When she laughs it is hilarious. It’s really loud, and then goes silent and her tongue is just sticking out while her body shakes, and then it is loud again before she stops. Not only is that but her face bright red. She looks like a vibrating tomato.

When she has finally calmed down I say, “Well, I’m going to Susan. I’ll talk to you later.” With that I walk out the door. Though the wall I can hear Susan screaming bye. Gosh she is something else, but we love her.

By the time I get back Luke has fallen asleep in his chair. He looks so cute and innocent when he is sleep. I think I will drive home. I’m glad Max came and got the dogs, because it is hard to backup with the dog box. I nudge at his shoulder for him to wake up. He jolts awake and I start cracking up because it looked so damn funny. He starts blushing, awe it is so adorable when boys blush.

I stick my hand out and say, “Keys. There is no way you are driving if you can barely stay awake.”

After about five minutes of arguing he realizes I’m not budging. He reluctantly pulls his keys out of his pocket and places them in my hand. We walk out of the hospital and out to his truck. I open the driver’s door. This is so weird. Boys around here don’t usually let other people drive their trucks. Their trucks are their babies. I’m surprised he finally caved and let me drive.

I back up and head out of the hospital parking lot. I thought Luke would have fallen asleep on the way back to my house, boy was I wrong. The whole ride he was making sure I didn’t harm Phillip. Phillip is his truck. I have no clue why he named his truck that. It’s really weird because my ex-boyfriend was named Phillip. Well, the fact that he named his truck is weird.

We pull into the gate after what seemed like forever. When you are being annoyed time goes by so slowly. There is still like a five minute drive from the gate to my house. I don’t think I can stand this much longer. I will never drive his truck again. I’m going to do this to him the next time I let him drive my jeep.

We pull up to my house and I am so freaking relived. I put the truck into park and turn it off. I pull the keys out of the ignition and toss them at Luke.

We walk in the back door to be greeted by three people. I see Max and he doesn’t bother me. Beside him is Rhett who I can live with, and then there is him who I can’t stand. My relief vanishes as soon as I see him. UGHHHH!

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