"You don't like surprises do you?"

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Jackie's Pov

It was Friday. The night of my date with Rhett. After he asked me out on Monday the rest of the days went by in a blur. I just can't shake this feeling. I am just excited for the date. He hasn't told me anything about the date. I hate surprises. I have been asking him all week where he is taking me. Each time I ask him just smirks. It kind of pissed me off, but nothing can ruin this feeling that I have.

The doctors cleared  me to go back to school on Wednesday. I'm glad that they did because I don't think that Mac could have gone another day without me. School today went by so slow today. Well it went slower than it usually does. Mac took me out to lunch at applebees, so we could have girl time before the date tonight. We usually hang out every Friday that's why. 

Now I am home. I really should have had Mac come to help me get ready. I have no idea on what to wear. I rummage through my closet looking for something decent to wear. My room looks like a tornado has come through it. There are clothes everywhere. I finally find the perfect outfit. I put on my my black strapless crop top. It has a zipper down the middle. I match it with a white high rise lace skirt. to top the outfit off I put on a dark green blazer like jacket. I look cute. I slip some cute sandals.

Now it is time to do my make up. I put enough on to look cute. I don't like to look like a clown. I curl my hair to complement my outfit. I manage not to burn myself  with the curling wand. Even though I nearly did several times. After I am happy with how I look I sit on my bed. It was only 6:30. I still had a little time. While I waited for Rhett I got onto tumblr. I love tumblr. It is my favorite social media. I don't really get on anything else. 

I was lost in the world of tumblr when the door bell. I almost forgot that I had a date. I got up to answer the door when I got the feeling in the bottom of my stomach again. I run down to my bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach yet again. This has been happening all week. Maybe I am coming down with some, or it could be just nerves. It did start after Rhett asked my out. 

"I'll be right there!" I yell out so he doesn't leave. I quickly brush my teeth. I can't have puke breath on a date. I hurry to the door. I open it to a sexy Rhett. He is wearing dark jeans, a maroon polo, and black vans. I look him up and down. I notice that he is doing the same to me. It makes me feel self concious about myself. I cross my arms around my torso.

"Wow, you look amazing." Rhett says.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." I reply with a smirk.

"Well I hope so I let Mac dress me." He says more relaxed than before. "So lets get going." He sticks out his arm for me. I shut the door and I loop my arm with his. He walks me down the sidewalk to his truck. He opens the door for and helps me him. What a gentleman his is being. I have never seen this side of him. I really like it. 

After he is in the truck I ask ,"So are you going to tell me where we are going now?"

"No, but you don't like surprises do you?" He replies with his signature smirk.

"I hate them." I state. 

He just laughs and keeps his eyes on the road. I turn on the radio. I don't even know what song is playing, because Rhett takes this opportunity to grab my hand interlace out fingers. He looks over me for a split second giving a sweet smile. 

I think that my heart is going to fall out of my chest, it is beating so hard. He is sweet. All of this distracted me from the fact we were going somewhere. 

"Okay we are here." He says releasing my hand and getting out of the truck. I open the door and he is already there to help me out. He grabs my hand and leads in back of the truck. We are in the middle of nowhere. He pulls down the tailgate.He gestures for me to sit. He walks back around the truck and gets some stuff out of the back seat. 

I push myself up on the tailgate. He comes back with a picnic basic and pillows and blankets. This is so cute and romantic. He hands me the pillows and blankets. I lay them down while he climbs up into the bed of the truck with picnic basket.

"Who knew that Rhett Welch the player could be so romantic?" I ask.

"Well there all of things you don't know about me." He replies with that signature smirk. 

He opens up the the picnic basket and starts rummaging through it. He pulls out a bottle of champane and two glasses. That is a little fancy for just a night under the stars in the bed of a truck if you ask me. I don't mind. I happen to like champane very very much.

"Mac helped me with everything in here." He says blushing a little. Aw that is so cute that he went to my best friend for help and know he blushing about. 

"Well lucky for you that your cousin just happens to be my best friend." I say 

"I am very lucking indeed."He says with a genuine smile. He pours me a class of champane and then one for himself before getting what is left in the basket. He pulls out two subway samwhiches. I had feeling that he didn't make anything himself, and Mac knows how much I love subway. 

"Again Mac ordered your samwhich, because I wanted it to a surprise." He confesses.

"Even though I don't like surprises, this was really sweet. I couldn't have asked for a better night." I say truthfully. 

After we have our dinner we lay back on the blankets and just look at the stars. We talk about anything and everything. He is really easy to talk to for some reason. I feel like I have known him my entire life. While we talk I lay my head on his chest and play with his hands. I was so comfortable I could just fall asleep. After of while of just talking we just lay there in silence.

"I had great time tonight." he says as we lay there.

"Me too. It was my best surprise ever." I reply lookng up at him.

He looks down at me and asks, "Jackie, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to be your girlfriend."

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