second Christmas together

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"can you read whom that gift's from?" Hermione asks young rose.
"Fwom uncle hawwy and uncle dwaco!" The three and a half year old says. Draco smiles and nuzzles into harry more. Rose quickly shreads the wrapping paper off of her gift and gasps loudly. "Mommy! Daddy! Look! It's the entire beauty and the beast castle set!" The kid says with the biggest smile on her face.
"Thanks Harry" Ron says barely looking up from his daughter
"Actually Draco did all the gift shoping" harry says and kisses Draco softly
Rose then grabs her other gift from harry and Draco "this is gonna be just as awesome!" She declares as she tips through the wrapping paper again. She looks at the book and reads the cover "all your favorite fairytales in one book"
"Draco, while this is a lovely book I don't know if she'll be able to read it" Hermione says
"Granger, if she has even a quarter of your brains she'll be able to read it easy" Draco replies.
"Alright, Hermione is the next youngest" Molly says.
Hermione grabs the gift closest to her "this one's from Ron" she anounces before opening it, it was the latest edition of Hermione's favorite book series. Hermione continues to open her gifts; Molly got her a classic Weasley Sweater™️, authur got her the first book of a muggle book series, and Draco and harry got her the latest edition of a spell book and a few new outfits.
Harry was next in the gift opening order, "Dray, you need to get off my lap so I can open my gifts" Draco pouts but scoots off Harry's lap. Harry first opens his gift from Draco, it was the current fastest broom on the market, Molly again got harry a Weasley Sweater™️ that harry still really loved, Ron Hermione and rose got harry a book about quidditch.
"'mione when I said get him something quidditch related I mean new gear or something not a bloody book" Ron said in a disgruntled tone.
"It's about time harry learned his quidditch history thought," Draco says
"Thanks for the book Hermione, it's what I need to get Draco off my as- I mean butt about quidditch history" harry says with a smile.
Draco then opens his gifts, Ron and Hermione got him a fancy tea set, harry got him a new fancy set of robes, and Mrs. Weasley if course gave him his very own Weasley Sweater™️

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