staying late

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Harry's baby boy was mad at him. Draco currently laid on the bed in his playroom holding his favorite plushie. "How could harry forget our anniversary" he asked the plush dragon before hugging it close and crying softly. It was almost seven and he hadn't heard from harry all day. He cried himself to sleep

"I've got to go home, otherwise Dray will hill me and there won't be a harry Potter to fill out paperwork" harry tells Kingsley before walking off. Kingsley tries to lecture harry about responsibility but harry was already in the floo.
Draco wasn't on the couch as he usually was so harry quickly checked the library before going upstairs. They could still make their reservations if Draco could get ready quickly and they apperated there, harry would have to take Draco on that romantic broom ride after dinner.
Harry woke up his husband quickly after finding him in his room and was met with typical grumpy from waking up Draco.
Draco pushed harry away still holding his dragon plush, he wasn't going to say anything to harry.
"C'mon Dray, we have reservations, I'm sorry I got home so late,"
"You said you were going to come home early for me!" Draco says looking at Harry
"I know but some work came up and I had to-"
"You stayed late. On our anniversary!"
"I'm sorry baby, but I had to finish-"
"Harry you stay late to finish something every day! You couldn't even come home ON TIME for me this ONCE" Draco sobs and looks at Harry
"Baby can we argue later I made reservations for us-"
"No! You never spend time with me you're always busy with work!"
"Babe I made reservations special for you-"
"And I've made reservations countless times that WE missed because YOU stayed late at work"
"Babe, please, we can talk this over at dinner but we need to go now"
"I'm not going to dinner with you harry! Cancel the reservation."
"Babe please I had a lot planned for this evening"
"Get out harry! If you had just came home on time we'd be at our reservation but you couldn't do something that simple for me so get out!" Draco hits Harry's chest trying to push him away. Harry leaves draco's room and closes the door, walking back to the room they shared. The bed felt too big for harry so he ended up sleeping on the couch.

The next day harry leaves work on time and stops by hogsmeade before coming home, buying chocolates and flowers for Draco. Harry then went home and went back to draco's room to give him the chocolates and flowers and apologize. Harry knocks on draco's door softly "go away Potter!" Draco yells clearly still mad at Harry.
"Babe I'm sorry" harry says as he comes in, showing the flowers and heart shaped box of chocolates.
"I told you to go away!"
"Dray, I didn't mean to stay late, I just got used to it and didn't think much of it I'm sorry"
Draco turned to face the wall instead of harry and hugged his dragon plush.
"Draco, please talk to me"
Draco ignored harry.
Harry started to cry, somethinghe hadn't done in many years. "Draco please, I can't loose you" harry sobs "you're all I have left" Draco turns tolook at Harry before getting up and hugging harry.
"You're not going to loose me" Draco says looking at Harry. "I just need you to come home on time"
"I will... I promise I won't stay a second late ever again"
Draco pulled harry into a gentile kiss. 

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