Bumping Into Fate

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        I yawned awakening from my sleep. I had entangled my feet in my blanket, which had mysterously fell to the bottom of my bed. Rolling out of bed, my head stung. Memories from the past week had struck me. At least it was break. I had a chance to be away from the crowds, and stinging thoughts of him.

        I got up, eyes blurred with sleep and tumbled down the stairs. I could already smell the stuffing. It was Thanksgiving, which reminded me. I had to feed Eli, my hamster. His cage hung in front of my desk. Once there he greeted me with squeals of delight. Grinning I removing the small bowls inside of his elaborate cage. It was about 6 stories tall,each story about a foot tall.

        Once I finished completing the task at head I strolled down. Ready to face my mother. Downstairs, I turned to see my mother. She was at the stove cooking up a storm, and right next to her...Ms. Jaeger. Raising and eyebrow, I walked into the humid room. Ms. Jaeger looked to me and forced a smile. I guess she was disappointed by the "date".  My mother looked up "Hayden!" she had a genuine smile, she was going to ask for a favor "Can you go down to the store and pick up some cider?" I walked out the door groaning, at least I would be able to visit the coffee shop.

        I had the cider, and was on my way to the coffee shop. Inside I instinctively went to the back of the room and turned to the painting. The painting didn't look..the same anymore. Instead of a thoughtful feeling, longing feeling. I clutched the cider and looked up. I had to leave, or else the heartache would become overwhelming. Out the shop I went, brushing my hand on the painting, sighing.

        Finally home, I flung the door open. I saw the table set, and three people sitting at it. It was Jaeger and that blonde girl. They were sitting around the table with their hands crossed together in a universal praying symbol. My eyes drifted off to the trashcan, which had a deranged wire cage inside. I knew that cage...it was Eli's.

        They still haven't noticed I was home, and were still praying. I threw the cider to the ground in  a fit of anger. The pressurized bottle exploded at contact with the ground. They all jumped. My mothers eyes flamed "What are you doing?!" I narrowed my eyes, my throat burning up "Where is ELI?!"  I crumpled up the receipt in my hand, knuckles turning white. She smiled her usual sickening smile. "Oh Hayden" She got up and put her hands on the blonde girls shoulders "That distracted you from what was really important in the beginning!" She gingerly patted her head "Love."

        I calmed my self down, though tears began running down my face, looking down at Hollie...or whatever her name was. She smiled brightly up to me. Obviously using lipstick, desperate to impress me.  

        I shoved a crossaint into her face, and ran outside, it was a clear run, my eyes blinded with tears. Until I bumped into something, something soft, warm and dark. I looked up.

        It was him

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