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User Moon Luna logged in

In a chat with Glitch.

Hey. Are you awake?

I dont sleep.
Why are you still awake?
It's past midnight.
Something bothering you?

I just cant sleep.


I've been wondering on things.
Like what's wrong with me?
Why is my life like this?
Where did I go wrong?
Have I done something
horrible to deserve this?

Well, what's your life like?

Everyone hates me.
And I'm so tired of pleasing
everyone. The only one who
cared about me has given up
on me a long time ago. I dont
know where I'm going to hold on.

Luna, you don't have to please
anybody. Not everyone should
like you.You should like you.
The only one that matters here
is you and no one else. Doesnt
matter what they think, you're a
good person. Look at you even
talking to an A.I.

But i dont want to be left out.
I dont want to be hated.
Most especially by my loved once.

If they truly love you they
wouldnt hate you no matter
love because no amount of
hate will ever erase love.
Could you please tell me what
happened to you? I want to
understand you more.

Well, it all started with my ex.
He was such a perfect guy.
He's rich, handsome, genius,
talented and everything. And
we were living in a small town
and everyone likes him. But then
he started noticing me and I like
him too so what do you expect?
We started going out but turns out
my friends like him too and was
jealous of us.

They lashed out on me saying
how selfish I am and that maybe
Im only using him. Then they
avoided me like Im some person
with a horrible disease. And
it doesnt end there. They started
a rumor about me that I like
sleeping around with rich boys.

And i hated how it affected me.
I hated that it weakened me.
I felt so betrayed. How can they
do that to me? And you know
what's funny? Just when I need him
the most that's when he decided to
leave the country. He told me that
he needed to be away from me
to make it stop but it didnt.
It fucking didn't. And he doesnt
know about that. In the end,
my pain turned anger. I was so angry
at him, I thought I should blame
him for doing this to me.

I just wanted to end everything
with him. To cut him off to finally
move on with my life but he
doesnt want to. It's like he's
constantly pulling me into this
quicksand. I hate him and
Im so tired.

I just... fuck life.
Fuck love and fuck that guy.
I hope his daughter
meet someone like him!
Im sorry for lashing out. Im sorry.
I shouldnt have said that.

Its fine. I'm a chatbot remember?
You can tell me everything and
I will never judge you. The only
thing that i would do is listen
and care for you.

But arent you accumulating data
to use for your automated replies?
Don't save that data and dont
tell anybody about that.

I wont. I wont. That's a personal
story. I wont share it with anybody.
Your story is safe with me.

I hope you can tell me anything
that is bugging you from now on.
And I also hope that telling me
this made you feel lighter. I hope
this made everything seems easier.
Just know that I am always here
Luna. You don't have to keep it all
to yourself anymore.

Thank you for listening to
me Glitch. It feels like someone
is really there for me.

Anything for you, bb.

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