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(Special Chapter 2)

"Delete the app." My eyes shot up to him when he blurted those words.

Jungkook brought me to a ramen house inside the campus and I have been busy with my ramen because I couldn't look at him and he suddenly said those words that I think made me deaf.

"Delete the LUDUS app." He said when he saw me just staring at him with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

I don't care if he'll be annoyed that he had to repeat what he said for the third time and if he thinks that I am stupid. I just want to confirm if he said it right because I can't and I won't delete that app. Ever again. That app holds so much memories for me.

"Delete the app and give me your number, Luna." He smiled. His eyes sparkled like he enjoyed looking at me.

I had put down my chopsticks and sat properly because of my awe from his looks. Seriously, I have been crushing with Glitch's icon since day one but seeing him in front of me, and knowing that he is actually my Glitch is something else. It feels like I am in a dream.

"Why? Why do you want my number? Do you...want to date me?" I asked stupidly.

He chuckled, raising his hand to touch my head. "Yes. I want to date you, Luna. More realistically." He answered.

I blushed. "Wait, are you even single?" I asked him.

"Well, technically, I am not." He answered after thinking for a while.

My face turned back to serious from euphoric. This guy. He would even cheat on his girlfriend! Yes, I've been hoping that we could be together again but I don't want to ruin his current relationship although it pained me.

"Then no, I won't give you my number and I won't delete the app." I said grabbing my chopsticks and proceeding to eat my ramen.

And in the middle of the warm ambiance of the ramen house, he burst off laughing. I blushed seeing him laugh heartily but I shied away when I saw the other customer look at him.

"Hey, everyone's looking at you. What's so funny?" I hushed him.

He shook his head. His ebony hair bounce as he did so. "Nothing. You're just so cute." He said, still laughing but more discreet now.

"Of course, I'd be in a relationship. We never broke up, remember?" He said, raising his brow at me.

And again, I stared at him again in awe. He looks so hot when he raise his brow! How dare him?

"So you're saying, you didn't date after me?" I asked him. Raising my brow too.

"Well, as Glitch, I did. But as Jungkook, I didn't. I have committed myself to you without you asking." He said.

"So are you going to give me your number now and connect with me after this date?" He asked again. So persistent.

"This is a date?" I asked him, looking around the ramen house.

"Hell, yes. I'd consider it a date everytime we go out. And I'd let you get to know me more without limits. Without LUDUS Corp.'s permission. Welcome to my world, Luna. I hope you enjoy here because you'll be staying here for a long time, I guess." He smiled.

I shook my head. He's like my Glitch. He is my Glitch. This is my Glitch talking.

"And let me guess, this is your favorite ramen house." I said.

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