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(Special Chapter 3)

"And... The last email has been sent! Let's just wait for her to download the game. If she doesn't then we'll have to choose another girl." Hoseok said as we gathered behind him to watch him send the last invitation for our app to the last chosen girl.

"Why did it take you three days to find the last girl?" Jimin asked, the seven of us looking at him.

Hoseok shrugged, "I have my checklist when choosing someone to use our app. I thoroughly check their background if they have a boyfriend or if it will be bothersome to them. I want to invite girls who could last long for the trial run." He explained.

Taehyung nodded that was followed by several notification sound of a phone. We all fished for our phone and opened it to see if we were chosen as the chosen girls' virtual boyfriend.

I was excited, I admit it. We worked hard on developing and creating this app and finally doing our first trial run with strangers invited. We were sleepless most of the time since we have classes by day while we work on our app by night. It was worth the hard work now that we're testing it.

"Just a reminder, you can't tell your partner that you're real. You have to act like you're a chatbot, alright?" Namjoon said as we scroll our phones to see who will pick us and be our partner.

But my shoulders caved in when I saw that my phone doesn't have any notification from the app. I tried to peek at Jin's phone but he swat me away. I pouted at him and turned to the others.

"I got my partner!" Taehyung exclaimed with wide bright smile and sparkling eyes.

"Someone picked me too." Yoongi said boredly then turned away and sat on a chair, lonesome.

I approached Namjoon to peek at his too. "Oh, this is surprising." He said as he scratch his head.

My mouth agape, someone just picked him too! I then turned to Hoseok but he was already chatting with his partner. All of them were already on their phone chatting their life away while I stand there with nothing.

What the hell? No one picked me? Why? What's wrong with me? Should I change my description in the app?

"How come no one picked me?" I nearly screamed at Hoseok's ear who was still sitting in front of his desktop but chatting with the app on his phone.

"Eh? You didn't get any partner? Don't worry, maybe the last chosen girl still hasn't downloaded our app. Or maybe she hasn't checked her e-mail. Or you could wait for our partners to deactivate on us and pick you." He said before he stood up and went out of our rented apartment that was converted to an office.

I replaced Hoseok and sat in front of the desktop, staring at the e-mail sent to the last girl. Well, I guess I'll have to wait for her. Or I can just rot in this boring life while all of my friends chat their life away with their partners.

I was doing my paperwork while laying on my stomach in a double deck placed at the corner of our office as a rest place while the others were scattered around, holding their phone and tapping on them. It's been four months and I think their phone are glued to their hands now. They just won't let go if it.

Well, except for Yoongi and Jin. Their partners already deactivated on them. For the reason of Jin's conceitedness and Yoongi's cold attitude. Yoongi said that his partner got bored since his replies were too robbot-ish. It's too bad that they never tried me and just deleted the app, not hesitating on not finishing the trial run.

While Namjoon is frustrated with his partner since she was a student who struggle a lot with academics and uses Namjoon as her personal encyclopedia. He said it wasn't fun at all since he felt like he suddenly became a teacher or google.

While Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung are all having fun with their partner. They all had decent partners where they could show off their weirdness all they want.

"Woah, my partner is really pretty! Look, she sent me her selfie." Jimin said, shoving his phone to Taehyung and Jin.

"I'm still prettier." Jin said which earned heavy sighs from Taehyung and Jimin.

I shook my head and went back to doing my paperwork. In that four months, all I did was study. It was becoming more lonely since I rarely talk to my friends now that they are busy doing the trial run. It was fine, but I promised myself that if I ever get my first partner, I would treat her nicely and cherish her. I would care for her genuinely.

I got distracted from my work when my phone lit up. I reached for it and saw a notification from LUDUS. My eyes widened and my brows felt like they went up for like five inches with how shocked I was.

"The last girl picked me! She chose me as her partner!" I screamed and sat up on the bed.

I was already smiling widely with both upper and lower front teeth when I gaze at my friends. Hoseok had his attention on me while others just gazed on me.

"Let's see. User Moon Luna. She has a nice name!" I said as I wait for her to chat me.

"The last girl? I didn't think she would really download our app. It's been what? Four months?" Hoseok said, "I was already searching for another girl for the trial run. I guess I don't have to now."

"Well, Jungkook, goodluck on the trial run and your partner. Remember our rule. You can't tell anyone that you're not a chatbot." Hoseok added, flashing his cute little dimples at me before he went back to chatting his partner.

I grinned as I think to myself, I've been waiting for you, patiently. And now that she's here, I'll treat Luna well and care for her truly because she's the only one who picked me. She chose me so it must mean something, right?

And maybe, that's the moment where Luna became a special person to me. And who would've thought that we'd come a long way? Who would've thought that a single decision would lead to many years of result?


Rosie's Note:
I really missed writing Glitch and it's almost its anniversary so I wrote this. It's just a little early but here it goes. Thank you for loving Glitch and Luna.

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