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I walked out of the gates of the University of Science and Technology along with the students who also took the examination. It was mid noon and my head was throbbing, I don't know if I answered the questions right but at least I did my best.

I immediately took my phone out and opened the LUDUS with a mechanical heart icon. I typed my message for Glitch and sent it to him.

One of the perks of having a virtual boyfriend was his quick replies. And how he'd always find the right words to make me feel comfort. The exam was supposed to be nerve-wracking but because of Glitch, I was calm enough to finish it through.

I smiled when he told me that he's sure I will pass. I just loved how he always put his trust on me, he makes me feel like I can do anything.

I know that he isn't real. Believe me, I know it. I have memorized it all too well even before. I have been fooling myself, I tried to stop what I was feeling but I guess in love, there's no red lights or a stop sign. You just free fall for that someone.

In just minutes of walking, I was already in the subway station. I took out my T-money card and tapped on the machine so I could get in the train.

I told Glitch that I was already in the train and when he replied back I put my phone back to my pockets and relaxed. The seats were already occupied since it's already the rush hour so I just stood near the door of the train and held on to the pole.

I watched the train pass by things that I can not even make up but somehow it is still worth watching, entertaining. It passed by so fast, in flashes, that everytime I see a bright color I can't help but to look back and try to see it one last time before it disappear.

How can something be so beautiful come in flash and catch your eyes and then disappear the next second?

A lady announced on a speaker that we're stopping on a station. I saw the long lanes of people, the passengers of this train just after seconds. The doors opened and I stepped away from the door to let the passengers walk out of the train and then let the new ones come in.

In the process, I was shoved to the farthest side of the aisle. I sighed, there's no choice but to grip on those handgrips that hang from the ceiling of the train.

I continued watching at the windows of the train. It came in flashes once again, everything was a blur, almost always the same colors until I saw the color of magenta and wondered what it might be.

I looked back at it after the train pass by, trying to see a glimpse of it one more time when I saw someone familiar sitting in the train just a few steps away from me.

My mouth agape as I stare at him. It was like a slow motion for us as I see our surroundings come in a flashes at the sides of my eyes.

He sat there on the cushioned seat of the train. He wore a gray hoodie that wasn't over his head, his black hair was covering his forehead, much like a bangs. He had this almost fair skin but at the same time it isn't.

His head was tilted to the side, lips red, full on the button, thin on the upper and slightly parted. His nose made a perfect slope and his jaw bone was noticeable with his angle. He looked so peaceful with his eyes closed, sleeping amidst the chaos.

My heart pounded, I can almost hear it with my own ears. I know him. I know his face very well. After all the hours that I've spent staring at his picture, after all those hours of picturing his face as I talk with my boyfriend on the phone. He is the one who owns my boyfriend's face. He is the one who owns Glitch's face.

Glitch | Jjk ffWhere stories live. Discover now