new friends and surprises

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Percy's POV

it's been a year after I lead the rebellion and took control of Antaeus' city. Now the city that I have named Troy has flourished under new management. We've destroyed all the skull temples that were built in honor of the titans and we've been working on a new order for the city.

Examples are temples for the gods, Cynthia a daughter of Athena built one temple looking just like the Parthenon and inside you had different smaller temples in the name of the gods. Aside from that I've been strengthening our armies by making regiments, making a sea fleet and aerial cavalry using pegasi.

Anyway long story short, Troy has been growing great. As for me well I was crowned the king of Troy (to my displeasure) so it was my duties to hear the complaints and problems of the people. Fortunately my friends were there to help, Beckendorf and Tyson have building and forging new weaponry and items for the need of the citizens, also walls around the city to protect from invasion.

Nico and some children of Hecate used they're abilities to strengthen the walls greater. Grover and Katie have made our food supply greater than ever And our army has grown strong, Every able man and woman that want to join the fight when the time comes, but so far it has been quiet. Still I know that this is the calm before the storm and I tried to have the people enjoy this peace for as long as it lasts.

Just in case and invasion occurs I had the Cyclopes and the Hephaestus children build bunkers to protect them in case the walls fail. Anyway today after finishing my work I was waiting for our mercenary regiment to come back from a raid on a slave camp.

The man leading them was a mortal by the name of Simmons and was a war veteran before the titan war. While he was middle age he was still capable and put him to lead the mercenaries to control them and not let them be reckless in battle. The had sent a message last week that the raid was a success and were coming back.

Finally one of the sentries spotted them coming and bringing with them, horses? I ordered the gate keepers to open the doors to let them in. Once they did the gates shut I went to meet them and spotted General Simmons grinning at me with helm tucked in his arm.

"So general I take it was a success?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Well of course Aeneas, we got in the vans weapons and some freed slaves," he drank some water from his canteen before continuing, " and also we got some weird horses." he said hesitantly.

"Weird how?" I wondered.

"Well see when one of my men found stables in the camp and when he went to check if they were and he came back with a bite in his arm…" he trailed off.

" A bite is he ok and how did it happened?" I asked.

Simmons just signaled me to follow him to where the horse were. All of them had muzzles on them and the ones watching them were dressed in full armor and were keeping a safe distance but enough that the can stop the horses from escaping. Simmons then took one of the horses and with care and speed took it off and what came next wasn't being expected. The horse had razor sharp teeth. The horse whinnied angrily and looked at me yelling inside my head.

"We're hungry give us meat!" it was yelling. As a son of Poseidon I could understand all horses but this was the first time a horse wanted meat. I racked my brain trying to find in my knowledge of Greek Mythology what this thing was and suddenly I remembered.

"The horses of Diomedes!" I exclaimed. When they looked at me confused, I explained about the labors of Heracles and that he had to take flesh eating horses.

"Well now what do we do with them?" asked Simmons. I thought about something I wanted to do and decided to try it."Let's put them in some stables and tame them to use in our cavalry." I stated. I was expecting yelling but what I didn't expect was for Simmons to order some of his troops to take them into the free stables. He turned to me with resigned look.

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