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Third Person POV

For a moment nobody said nothing nor did they move after seeing something like that. Two warriors drastically injured, at the verge of death and from the clear greenish liquid dripping at their side, poisoned just fought with a ferocity that no one ever had seen before. It was amazing; transcending the only thing that moment could be called was a miracle. But now, now it had stopped by the fury of the Big Three for that moment of deceit that occurred, but the true fury would be on the Fates.

The weavers of Fate and Destiny were white with anger and surprise at what happened, but then as one they moved swiftly, the one in the middle took from out of nowhere a ball of yarn and pulled out a long piece of string, the one on her right hold it up high for everyone to see and although it was such thin string all around them saw it in her hand, finally the one on the left took out a pair of long scissors and cut it in the middle and the echoing sound of that snip was heard around.

"For your insolence in breaking the ancient rules, you Kronos king of the Titans and lord of Time will fall by the hand of one your House and no matter what you do it willhappen." They chanted in unison and like that they disappeared like dust in the wind.

Jason Grace could not believe what just happened in front of him, first he saw his friend and his enemy fight side by side like the heroes of old against a small force of enemies in a weakened state, second he saw the rulers of this world push back and incinerate most of the enemy forces that tried to take advantage of that lie and try to kill Percy, and finally the Fates themselves cursed Kronos for his involvement in this.

But Jason led those thought aside as he saw the surviving forces come back for round two. With a snarl he flipped his coin and it transformed into a sword and wielding his powers he called upon lighting and sure enough thunder was heard and quickly lighting came At the call of the son of Jupiter and guided it with his sword towards the upcoming enemy. The result was many charred monsters and mortals, only the demigod force restrained themselves in the attacks that happened.

The remaining Titan forces retreated in fear of the Roman demigod, the boy's emotions were being channeled through the raging wind and his were flaring with electricity it was a sight to behold. Ignoring the enemy and his own comrades Jason rushed to the arena using the wind to propel him there towards the two fallen warriors. He first went to Ethan Nakamura who was still in the same position that Percy settled him in with the sword in his torso and his hands clasped on it.

The answer was right there showing in the unmoving body and pale skin, but Jason ignore it since many warriors showed those signs but still held on the verge of life so he slowly reached to fingers to Ethan's neck in search of a pulse.

The answer to that was there wasn't, Ethan Nakamura general of the Titan force and second in command of the Fallen was dead, and his wounds plus the poison snuffed away his life. Turning he went towards the kneeling Trojan king praying to all the gods that he was still alive, but first he picked one of the arrows that struck Percy and smelled it.

Like he thought it was poison but not just any regular one, this was Chimera poison mixed with poison of the fearsome Python! Two very dangerous and quick working poison mixed together it was insane, quickly throwing the arrow away he knelt by Percy's side and checked his pulse to.

He felt no pulse, a chill went through him as this information settled and quickly he mentally slapped himself of his stupor. His wasn't a sniveling crybaby, he was Roman for Pluto's sake and by the Fates themselves he would not let Percy die right then and there.

"FRANK!" he roared and quickly came on of his guards. He was chubby, with baby-cheeked face and with a black hair in a military-style cut. He had a bow across in his hand ready for battle.

"You called?" he asked.

"Yeah tell the other to be on guard in case the enemy tries to attack while I see if I can save Percy's life."

"How are you going to do that?""By defibrillating him with my lightning now go!" exclaimed Jason.

Frank left after nodding at Jason's orders while the Praetor concentrated on the task at hand. First he pulled out a canteen filled with Nectar and a bottle of water. Jason kind of expected something like this and he brought everything he needed for first-aid and so he began to work. First he poured small amounts of nectar on Percy's deeper wounds and then took the water and poured it on the poisoned wound followed by the nectar. After he did this he then concentrated electricity on his hands carefully. If it failed the bye bye Percy, if he was careful then a miracle was going to happen.

Then he punched his fists in Percy's chest, no response. Again but with a stronger charge nothing, again and no sign. He was getting worried and so he did what he though was going to be dangerous. He again charged his fists with enough electricity to burn a person to a crisp and slammed his fists into Percy.

For a moment the body of the son of Poseidon seizure uncontrollably being shocked by that electricity, it could have gone either way. After waiting for a minute he checked Percy's pulse and there it was faint but beating. He was alive! Quickly Jason poured the entire water unto Percy's body and tried to make him drink the nectar.

Percy drank barely a mouthful of it and Jason knew that the danger was not over, so he called his warriors for help to carry him back to Troy. But first he ordered two of the soldiers to give Nakamura's body to his comrades, which they took without question and left to their encampment. And with, that the duel and everything that happened after it was over.

In Mt. Othrys

On the throne room on Othrys the heart of the Titan kingdom, all the titans leaders of the forces were there waiting for someone. Pretty soon the doors opened and came in a demigod wearing the armor of the Fallen. He was blonde, blue eyes, well built and tall, he had elfish features and a scar on his face. Luke Castellan, servant of Kronos, leader and founder of the Fallen and general of his forces walked to the middle of the U-shaped room that was filled at the moment with the Titans.

There was Iapetus the Piercer glaring at the room, the wounds cause by Percy still showed strong. Hyperion in his golden robes was playing with a cup filled with either alcohol or Nectar. Prometheus in his tuxedo was there looking calmly at the rest. Coeus another of the titans was laying around looking bored and by Oceanus titan of the sea. Krios lord of the constellations was there as well talking with Perses titan of destruction and like Iapetus bearing scar of recent battles.

Only Kronos their leader was absent and sure enough he appeared in the midst of shadows. He was wearing armor imbedded with jewels and gold, his eyes harsh and cold with the color of molten gold glared at all around him. He looked like his sons except middle-aged, his hair black and white. After looking at his brothers and nephew he looked towards Luke who was immediately kneeling.

"Report." He simply said.

"My lords, our forces attacking Troy have been diminished greatly and one of their generals have died by foul play on our side." Said Luke grimly. Kronos looked at him and smirked.

"You seem displeased by this Luke."

"Yes my lord, as you know Ethan was one of my first followers when I rebelled against the gods, with him gone I'll have to find another second-in-command." Stated Luke.

"Yes his dead is tragic but it was necessary and beneficial." Said Kronos.


"He was getting to out of controlled, if let unwatched he would've cause damage to us in his quest for vengeance.""No, I knew Ethan he would've put his duties first than his personal vendetta!" exclaimed Luke.

"Enough!" said Kronos. "Even in the death the son of Nemesis has done well, with Perseus Jackson incapacitated, the Trojans are weakened."

"What would you have me do my lord?" asked Luke his emotions unreadable. The teen was truly a soldier.

"Send Atlas and his forces to aid our regiment facing Troy, now that Hyperion destroyed the magical barriers their fortress are weakened greatly and with his forces Troy will fall in sea of flames at last!" he said laughing.

The titan king seems that victory is at hand but his actions today will cause great changes in the future among his enemies.

this is the last chapter before my wrighting.... so lets get it over with 

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