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I turned up the stereo and danced around in my basement, taking another long gulp of my second beer. I was going to get drunk before the boys even arrived if I continued at this rate.

There was a knock on the door. I hurried to open it and was greeted by Luke, wearing the usual: a band tee, ripped skinny jeans, and black Vans.

"Very original outfit you got there, Lukey." I snorted, ushering him in and placing a beer in his hand. Hesitantly, he brought it to his lips and drank. I also handed him a cute Happy New Year's crown. "Wear it with pride."

He chuckled. The pink, glittery crown adorned his hair and the color even matched his lips. There was another knock on the door, interrupting me from my thoughts about how beautiful Luke looked.

"Must be Calum and Ashton." Luke said simply, walking over to the door. I went back to the snack area and got two more beers for them. I knew they would want them.

"Now that we're all here..." I began as we all gathered in a circle on the couch, Calum snuggling in between Ashton's legs. "There are some rules."

Muffled groans came from my friends and I rolled my eyes. "Boohoo. Suck it up. Rule number one, we're not going to drive anywhere. If you have to leave, take the bus or walk. Rule number two, if you want to have sex, get a room." I eyed the two cuddle buddies. "And finally, rule number three, have fun. Because it's gonna be 2015 in a few hours and we should live for now."

"That was part was so inspirational, man." Ashton wiped his eyes, pretending to cry. "You should be a motivational speaker."

Only a few drops of beer remained in my glass. Ashton's and Calum's were halfway done, but Luke hadn't even drunk half of his yet. "Why aren't you drinking your beer?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not thirsty." He mumbled, staring down at the ground.

"You're just being a pussy." I snickered. "Just drink the beer, Luke. Seriously, we're trying to have fun."

"You... you told me you wouldn't pressure me, Michael." He whimpered, eyes fixated on the ground. "I don't want to drink as much as you, okay? You're already pissed."

"I am not!" I yelled, causing Luke to jump and Calum and Ashton to look over at us. They had been talking quietly to each other and didn't hear our conversation. "I've only had like, two beers. You're not the boss of me."

"How about the next beer is your last, yeah?" Calum told me in a babyish voice, replacing the empty beer in my hand with a full one. "You can have some more later."

"Oh." I nodded slowly. "Okay. But Luke has to drink his!"

"I don't want to!" Luke raised his voice, standing up. He was slightly taller than me, so to say I wasn't a bit intimidated would be a lie.

"Please?" I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip and resting my hands on his chest. He tensed but melted under my touch and sighed reluctantly.

"Fine. I'll drink my beer, for you."

I headed over to the stereo and turned the music up. "This is my favorite song!" I cheered, grabbing Luke's hand and making him spin me around. "Don't wanna be an American idiot!" I sang at the top of my lungs. I noticed Luke was singing along too, just a lot softer than I was.

At this point, Calum and Ashton were up too, also dancing around like wild animals. Luke and I were hand in hand, occasionally spinning each other around. Calum was pretending to play the guitar and Ashton just whipped his hair.

Where everything isn't meant to be okay...
Television dreams of tomorrow....
We're not the ones who're meant to follow....
For that's enough to argue.

From Lukey, to Mikey ; muke [completed]Where stories live. Discover now