Chapter 21

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Three weeks have passed since I last saw Jacob.

Thankfully he has left me alone after that day.

And thank you to my grandfather for dealing with all the legal matters.

He is never going to be around me or my daughter again.

I stare at myself in the mirror.

Parker and I have a date tonight.

I am not worried much about how my body looks anymore.

I am clearly pregnant now, and there is no hiding that, he knows I am pregnant, and I don't really feel much of a need to hide how I look.

I mean, I am clearly carrying a child, I don't really feel the need to make myself look smaller than I am.

Sure, everyone always wants to dress in flattering clothes, but those don't really exist when you are super pregnant, so the whole thing is just kid of irrelevant at this point.

Over all these weeks, Parker and I have only grown closer.

We have been spending so much time together.

I am just worried that when I have my daughter will change everything.

I already put her over everything else.

I already love her more than I ever knew I could love someone.

I know that once she is born, she is always going to be my top priority.

But I also don't want to lose Parker.

I know he isn't going to leave me because I have a kid.

But I also knowing that all my time is going to be dedicated to her.

Sure, he is going to be around to help, but she isn't his. She's not his responsibility, I am not expecting him to help.

At this point we aren't even officially dating, its still that awkward in between where you both like each other and spend a lot of time together, but you aren't official.

Normally, I would have no problem asking him to be my boyfriend, a girl can ask if she wants to.

But I don't want to ask him. Under these circumstances, I don't want to start a relationship now if he isn't ready for the commitment that is dating someone with a kid, I think he need to decide if he's ready for that, and if he is, then he can ask when that time comes.

I don't want to ask him and have him feel pressured into saying yes and committing to something he isn't ready for.

I take one last look in the mirror before a text arrives, Parker, telling me he is here.

I say a quick goodbye to everyone in my family I see on the way out before leaving the house and getting into Parker's car.

"Hey." I greet him with a smile.

"How was your day?" He asks me as we start to drive to our destination.

"Pretty good, what about yours? I ask, attempting to continue the small talk.

"It was good. My mom really wants to meet you though." He informs me.

"Oh, well, does she know that..." I say, trailing off at the end, not wanting to finish.

"Yes, I told her, I hope that's okay." He says.

"It's fine, it really isn't something I can hide anymore. But I am having a baby shower in a couple weeks, you two should come." I suggest. I was going to ask him to come anyway, and it might be a little less awkward to meet his mom in a social situation.

"That sounds good, I'll ask her about it." He tells me.

"Speaking of meeting parents. My parents really want to meet you, are you free next weekend?" I ask, I could just have the baby shower be a giant introducing event, but it might be better to get some of it out of the way earlier.

"I don't have plans." He tells me.

I can tell by his voice he is nervous.

"And don't worry, my parents already like you, and anyone is amazing compared to Jacob, I mean I never let them meet him, but they still think you are like perfect compared to him. So you will be fine, and my dad isn't even close to scary." I tell him.

I am not sure my dad is even capable of being intimidating, despite his height, he is way too nice for anyone to ever fear.

Everything is perfect.

Every second I spend with Parker, I have a smile on my face.

After Jacob, I didn't think falling in love with a boy would be possible.

I was wrong.

I was very wrong.

I love Parker.

I love Parker Madison.

Everything about him is just perfect.

Maybe my standards are just low after the last one, but he is just perfect.

The streetlights glow as we wander down the main streets of our city, cars fly by, going way faster than they should as he grabs my hand, causing me to move closer to him.

My smile can only grow.

As happy as I am about my daughter, and as much as I love her, times like this make me think how much easier things would be without her.

I just want to start dating him already.

"So, are you getting ready for her?" Parker asks.

"Yes, I have done so much shopping, it is insane, but all the decorating is fun, my mom is having a blast shopping as well." I joke.

As much as I love shopping, it is all getting a bit of tiring at the same time.

"That's good." He tells me, I can tell t he conversation is dying and we both want to switch the topic but are too scared to.

How does one tell someone they love them?

"Estella, I know this is the worst timing, with everything going on, but I just can't wait any longer. Will you be my girlfri-" He starts to say.

"I love you." I cut him off, unable to keep my mouth shut. "And yes."

"I love you too." He says before kissing me in the middle of the sidewalk as we gone the headlights of all the cars driving by.

He is so perfect.

Especially compared to Jacob.

I actually have a boyfriend I like.

I never thought that could actually happen.

I made it through day 1 of online college, but today I have my first video meeting, I have three today. Hope everyone is doing well and good luck!

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