Chapter 11

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I hate school.

I hate having to see Jacob every day.

My parents offered to switch my schools, but with barely a month left, I don't see much of a point to that.

I wish that I never had to see him, I wish I could just avoid him.

I wish he could just be out of my life for good.

But that would be too convenient.

And now that there is this thing tying the two of us together, escape can never be an option.

"Are you okay?" Parker asks me, clearly noticing me being completely spaced out.

"I'm fine. Just overthinking everything." I explain.

"Well, you know I'm here is you ever need anything." He assures me.

"I know." I say, adding a genuine smile.

Right as I exit the classroom Eli is instantly glued to my side.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. Why is he here? We don't really associate at school.

"Well, I don't have plans after school, so I need you to take me home with you." He tells me.

"Who said I was going home?" I ask my brother. Jacob was going to make me go get food with him.

"I did." He says.

"Eli, just give it up." I tell my brother.

"I'd rather not." He says, clearly knowing that Jacob was planning on stealing me.

"Eli, you really don't want to do this. Don't get involved." I beg him.

"Es, you know I'm not going to listen to you. I don't care how threatening or violent he is. You know I'm going to do anything to protect you." He says.

"Eli, I'm trying to break up with him. I'm going to. Just let me go." I tell him.

"Fine, but only if you come home single." He says to me.

"I'm going to do anything I can to make sure that happens." I assure my little brother.

"Just stay safe." He tells me.

He gives me a tight hug before finally walking in the other direction.

As I walk towards the door to leave, I feel a tight grip pull on my wrist, as I expected.

As I knew he would, Jacob drags me to his car.

"Where did you go after you left my house? And why were you with him?" He asks me.

"I went home, and I was with him because I needed someone to take me home." I say, being honest.

"You need to stop talking to him." He demands.

"Why?" I question him.

"He's Black Estella." Jacob says harshly.

"He's half black." I tell him, waiting for my insult to come.

"That doesn't matter, he has black in him, and that means you shouldn't talk to him. We shouldn't associate with people like them." He tells me.

"Don't put me in the same group as you. I'm not the same as you." I tell him.

"You should be, I don't know how you can think those people are equal to us." He says.

"Maybe because I am, 'one of those people', as in, I'm not fully white, my grandmother is black." I blurt out.

"Excuse me?" He asks me.

"There's more to me never letting you meet my family, you know, other than me just not liking you." I tell him.

I would never let him meet my siblings, I know Eli thinks he can defend himself, but I don't want him to be anywhere near Jacob. And Isabella is still so young, she doesn't need to have him anywhere near her.

"You aren't serious, Estella." He tells me.

"I can assure you I am." I tell him. "Trust me, I wouldn't lie about this, you already hate me enough." I tell him.

"I don't hate you, you are my girlfriend, I love you." He tells me.

"We both know that you don't care about me at all, if you did, I wouldn't be covered in bruises all the time, I wouldn't be I don't know, pregnant right now." I snap.

"Estella, I have never hurt you." He claims.

I laugh.

"I think we both know that is one of the biggest lies you have ever told. I am so done with you. As in, forever. We are over, meaning, don't talk to me ever again." I tell him, trying to get out of his car.

"No, you are not breaking up with me. You are listening to me. You are staying with me, and more importantly, you are getting an abortion." He tells me.

"No, I'm not." I argue.

"Try and stop me, I dare you." He threatens.

"Trust me, I am doing everything I can to, you have no idea what I'm capable of." I threaten back.

Let's hope my grandfather will be able to win this for me.

He's a good lawyer. I think.

I hope.

I try and open the car door again.

He hanks me away from the car door, refusing to let me leave.

"What is your problem, why do you feel the need to I don't know, force me to be with you, it's almost like there are billions of other girls to chose from." I say to him.

But I would never want him to do this to any other girl.

I would never wish this upon any other person.

What I have endured is torture, no person should ever have to go through everything I have been through.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asks me.

"Wow, I don't know. You forced to to start dating you, you forced me to stay with you for years, when I have never even liked you. I have just been trapped for all these years, all I want is my life back." I tell him.

I want to be in charge of myself, not have someone else control me.

"And you think you will ever have your own life with a child?" He asks me.

"I think I should be able to make my own decision, this is my choice." I tell him.

"No, Estella, it's not. You are getting an abortion."

I don't care what he says.

I'm not listening.

My coworker Becky, who I love so much, she's the sweetest person ever, took my fake husband(she used to work with him too) and I out to lunch for graduating and she's just so nice I can't.

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