chapter 6

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It was Saturday, the day were Wooyoung would finally be arrested if the police men were able to do their job right.
Because of the long night with my friends yesterday I slept until almost 12 am and when I finally woke up Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen.
Had he already left to prepare for his assassination? But on the note it said 16:10 pm so why would he already be gone?

I decided to try and not worry for now and sleepily went to the kitchen for some breakfast. To my surprise there was a plate with scrambled eggs and a small note placed next to it on the table.
The food was still warm and took the paper to read through the message.

Hey San,
Wooyoung said he'd go visit his aunt over the weekend and left really early so I came by to see if you're bored and want to hang with Yeosang and me. When I noticed you were asleep I prepared some breakfast for you since you're too lazy to do it yourself.
Feel free to call me or Yeosang if you want to.


Oh god, this guy was way too nice for his own good. I didn't deserve to be cared about by someone like him. But I didn't complain about the food.

Later that day I took Seonghwa's offer and got on the bus to his appartment. It was still freezing cold outside but the sky was clear and the sun let the snow shimmer beautifully.
The older greeted me happily and let me inside where a wall of warmth hit me.

"Did you make hot chocolate?" I excitedly asked when I smelled the sweet and delicious fragrance.

"Yeah, I thought because of the cold weather outside you'd like it." he replied happily and signed me to sit down in one of the armchairs in the living room while getting two mugs with steaming hot chocolate from the kitchen.

"By the way, didn't you say that Yeosang would be here too?" I asked curiously while letting the drink warm up my hands.
Seonghwa sat down on the opposite side of me.

"Yes, but he said he'd come in one hour, at about 16 pm." he explained and slowly sipped his hot chocolate.

"And your parents?"

"They are not visiting over this weekend."
he happily replied and I was glad to see him smile before his expression suddenly got serious. So there was a reason for wanting to meet up.

"I got a call from Yunho this morning and he told me something quite concerning."

Geez, why did they have to tell Seonghwa of all people? He would immediatly know that it was Wooyoung.

"Show me your neck, San." he demanded and with a sigh I pulled my hoodie back a bit, exposing these red and purple choking marks once again. Gladly, they weren't as bad as yesterday.

"Seonghwa, you don't need to worry, I-" I tried assuring him but he interrupted me.

"Was that Wooyoung?"
When I didn't answer a knowing look was plastered on his face.

"I told you that he is dangerous..." I defended myself while looking at the older who pressed his hand on his forhead.

"I should have believed you from the beginning... damn how can a person like Wooyoung be... like that?" he mumbled in frustration.

"I read a bit of his diary, found out that his parents were killed 10 years ago but then he caught me and choked me while asking again and again what I read in his diary. But don't worry. I handled him pretty easily and I think he doesn't suspect anything." I explained but Seonghwa didn't seem convinced at all.

"San, if he really is the killer from the news he is very VERY dangerous and you can't just go around and risk your life! Report him to the god damn police alrea- *cough*" he choked on his drink when giving me a lecture and I almost started laughing but the situation was too serious for that.

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