chapter 32

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San's POV

Our plan was finished. There was no 100% chance that it would work but it was definitely worth a try. Felix and Seungmin were putting their trust in me for what was about to happen and I was determined to finally get this over with.

But of course the situation didn't turn out as we hoped. At half past 2 in the night I was still awake and started hearing footsteps in the hallway.
Slowly I walked to the door and opened it expecting one of the guys to be here but instead I was faced with Hyunjin who stood right infront of my door.

"Mr. Choi, Mr. Lee has adviced me to give you a new task to proof your loyalty." he said in a monotone voice and I grinned sarcasticly at him.
"Wasn't killing that CEO enough?" I asked. The chance that he'd see through me was basically zero because the me, that had been loyal to J&M was still there. Of course I didn't trust any of them anymore but I still remembered how I felt like a few days ago. So I could easily recall it.

"Don't ask questions." Hyunjin told me. "Our surveillence system has been hacked a few minutes ago and we have information that two men are about to enter through the secret entrance. They won't get into the building anyways but they could cause trouble. Our face recognition system showed that one of them had been in the building before and hacked the main computer. You should know him."
A dark thought came to mind. Please don't let it be the people I think, was the only thing I wished for.

"You gotta be more specific Hyunjin." I arrogantly said to him and a muscle in his jaw tensed but he stayed calm.
"His Name is Jung Wooyoung, he is your classmate and the son of two traitors of the company. He is a threat that needs to be taken care of. We couldn't indentify the other person so you don't need to care about him for now. We're gonna send people with you to deal with the other."

Damn, I screamed inside my head. How was I supposed to get out of this?! If I didn't kill him they wouldn't trust me anymore and our plan couldn't work but... I was definitely not going to kill Wooyoung.
"So... you want me to kill that guy?"
"Yes exactly." a grin spread on Hyunjin's face and he took a step back.
"You know the way. We're gonna watch you and make sure you do not play around."
He was about to walk away when I finally came up with something and quickly I stopped him.

He looked at me again.
"If I kill Jung Wooyoung, can I keep his corpse? I really hate that guy and he doesn't deserve to just die... I want to rip him apart and throw him on the streets just like what he wanted to do to me." I chuckled and looked at my hands. Yes San, let the psycho out of you.

"Hm... I don't care. As long as he is dead you can do to him whatever you want." He coldy said and didn't waste any more time disappearing into the darkness.

"Fuck" I whispered and closed my door before going into the opposite direction to the white room. Inside of there were all kinds of weapons that I was allowed to use and I had to be quick finding what I wanted.
A normal gun... but not normal bullets.
I took out the magazin of one gun and switched the second bullet with another one. To be honest I needed a while until I found this mind of ammunition but eventually I found it.
It was a red color cartridge that was able to hurt a person but not kill. Additionally I put a special type of poison around the bullet. The effect was instant unconciousness and stopped breathing for about 1 or 2 minutes. If I'd use to much Wooyoung would die... if I'd use to less he'd not stop breathing and it would be obvious that he wasn't dead.
This whole situation was very risky.

I quickly left the room after being ready to not seem suspicous and walked through the heavy steal door that could only be opened if you had the right key. It took me a while to walk there because it was the secret entrance.

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