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"Can I help you around your store?" You offer.

"Sure, I guess so."

He teaches you all about alchemy, and you are a fast learner. Soon, you are as good as he is. 

After four years of teaching you everything he knows, his breath begins to rattle, and he can no longer mix vigourously. You sit by his bedside on the day that looks ike it is going to be his last. 

He pulls you close, and says: "The potion... to get home... highest shelf... tomato..." and with that, he goes silent.

You hold him close, and bury him in the backyard. You begin looking for this tomato potion, stacking books high and climbing up them to look on his highest shelves. After hours of searching, you take a rest on your bed. 

Looking up at the roof of the hut, you see a tiny red semicircle in the cieling. Wondering what it is, you gather all of the stools and books in the house and stack them up, climbing higher than you have before. as you get higher, you see that the semicircle is really the bottom of a mason jar, halfway resting on a tiny shelf jutting out of the bottom of the roof. It has a tomato etched in the side. You pick it up, and just as you grab it, your precarious tower topples, and you end up on the floor, covered by thick textbooks.  Then, one of the textbooks vanishes. Then a stool. 

You then see that the jar has smashed on the ground, and the items it is touching begin disappearing. All you have to do is reach out and touch some of it. The potion is dripping between the floorboards. You reach out to touch it, then you hear a voice.

"Umm, I'm looking for the alchemist?" A 20-ish boy in modern-day clothes steps inside the hut, taking in the mess. 

You look up at him. 

"Yes," you say, as the last of the potion drips out of sight. "I'm the alchemist. How can I help you?"


777: A Choose Your Own Adventure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now