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My body pulses with somber emotions from the fight. 

The filmy tent captures the warmth of the fire, and I turn on my side to look out at Light. The front of his body is softly illuminated, but his eyes look cold and agitated. My sleep deepens with each pop of the fire. 

Pop. Pop. Pop.

It could have been three hours or three minutes when a grown man's cry pulls me out of my sleep. I abruptly crawl out the tent, searching for the source of the distraught noise. 

My face falls in terror when I realize where it's coming from.

Light stands dangerously close to the edge of the fire, part of his hand blackened. My hand flies up to my mouth, holding me back from gagging. 

The fire looks like a small child... the one we've been looking for. 

Light's voice rises in inflections as if he was a mother trying to sooth an irrepressible baby. He walks around the fire, springing back at every flame blown towards him. Achak continues to howl in woe until Light falls onto his knees, shushing the spirit. Like a tide rushing back into the ocean, the fire weans into a small flame and stills. 

Thank goodness... It's over. 

I walk towards Light, wanting to rub his shoulders in comfort and check on his poor hand. As I near, Achak begins to cry, "She's evil, so evil. Don't let her come closer, no, no..." 

My stomach drops with anxiety, but I continue towards my fiancé.

"You stop: Stop right there!" Achak's shrieks, his figure uproaring into the sky. Lightning strikes the pit, and Light is propelled backwards, his body flailing like a rag doll. The fire grows larger and larger, and Achak's boyish face begins to melt. 

Zip... Zip... Zip...

One by one, the tents of the nearby hikers open. The people get out, trudging towards me in a zombie-like trance. I scream as they reach out for me. 

Dropping in cowardice, I wait for the moment in which they would tear me apart; however, they weave around me, drawn by Achak's blazing figure.

Suddenly, the scent of burning flesh permeates the air: the hikers willingly lose their balance and tumble into the fire. They burn like parchment paper, charring black at the slightest touch of flame. 

I vomit onto the ground, my hair catching most of it. Light crawls towards Achak in a trance, using lone weeds to pull himself forward. I catch my breath as my financé brings himself closer to death. I'm about to run towards him when a satisfying, dangerous thought comes to my mind:

He deserves this. 

My hand fingers the switchblade, pen, and Death Note in my pant pocket.

This makes my life a whole lot easier.

"Achak! Stop!" 

Someone runs out of the dark shrubbery surrounding the chaos. His hands glow a vibrant blue. The ground crunches beneath him as he approaches the fire, his dusky hair slicked with sweat. 

I thought I fucking killed him. 

L presents Achak with the stone of revival. It lays in crumbles on his hands, but the spirit recognizes the little piece of home. As its rage softens, the panic that was once swirling in the air begins to settle into an eerie serenity. Achak diminishes himself, looking like the small child that he really is. 

L gives the relic to the boy. Cyan haze wafts around the two, twinkling with a sense of closure. It takes the shape of a large man, his rough hands placed on the child.

"Dad..." Achak breathes in relief. 

"My son."

L scoops Light from crawling into the pit and lays him onto the ground. He quizzically places his face close to Light's and talks to him softly. Light sputters and breaks out of his hypnosis, giving his friend a weak, but genuine, smile. 

The Chief gives the two young men a deep nod, thanking them for bringing back his boy. L and Light bow in acceptance. Light squeezes L's hand and pulls him closer.

That bastard; L never fails to escape death, and he always gets what he wants!

The quest is over, and everyone is safe.

My heart pounds with fury. I pull out the switchblade and cut my palms open. The searing pain slightly relieves me of my anger, but I want more pain.

Not mine.

My throat dries and I start to shiver, my body fueled with pure vengeance rather than rationality. I charge at the raven-haired boy, my switchblade ready and aimed.

Shineyo, die!

Pouncing on L, I wrestle him to the ground. He gasps in shock as I straddle his back, raising my weapon.

"This is for starting the whole mess!" I cry, plunging the knife deep in his back. L spurts blood from his mouth, tainting the earth like the pig he is.

"This is for giving my ring away!" I lift my arms with full force and bring it down once wore. His breathing becomes ragged, and he manages to push me off. He weakly squirms away, but I am stronger. Grabbing L by his shirt collar, I mount his chest and stare deeply into his eyes. 

"And this is for taking my fiancé away from me!" 

He violently sprays red onto me, my face speckled with the dripping fluid. His head rolls to one side, and his breathing slows to a complete stop.

I've finished the job.


Pale hands grab me by the throat and slam me against the rocks. Light's face is drenched with tears and rage, and he shoves his hand into my pant pocket. I gasp with surprise and watch him take out the little black book and pen. He opens to a clean page.

"Light, no, please don't. You'll regret this," I plead in fear, "I did it for you, honey. Now that he's gone, we can be together... forever!" 

Light looks down at me, his face emotionless. He places the pen's tip on the paper. 

"If you kill me, then who will you have? You'll be alone forever," I try to control the panic in my voice, "I love you no matter what."

Light lifts the pen. I smile at him sweetly. 

"No, Misa," he whispers, "No more." 

The pen scratches inaudibly, but to me it's amplified. It's impending doom drives me insane. My face becomes sticky with tears as I laugh and marvel at the newborn sun rising in the east. 

I look at my lover illuminated by the morning colors, but I can only see his wretchedness.

I am gripped with pain, and my heart ceases to beat. No more, Misa...

No more. 

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