○Guess I'll be here awhile○ Chapter 5

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We pull into the driveway. I get out first and start walking to the door as America follows behind me. I was about to knock on the door when America just open the door and walks in. I stand there for a second before walking in hearing America yell something like 'we're here!'. Then America goes straight for what I think is the kitchen. I turn and walk to the living room the only people in there were Britain and Canada, when I walk in Britain notices me well Canada seems to be distracted by reading a book. "Hello Y/N." Britain greets me, Canada looks up from his book for a second and says a friendly hello before continuing to read.

Someone walks out from a different room. Someone I hadn't met before. But I recognize the flag on their face it was France. He notices me. "Oh! Bonjour." He says happily. "Oh hello there." I say back. He quickly picks up a bag off a nearby table. "This must be yours." he says handing me the F/C (one if you didn't know that means favourite colour.) bag. "Oh thank you." I say. He suddenly gasps. "OH where are my manners I haven't introduced myself, if you could't already tell by my flag I am France!" He says nicely. "And I'm Y/N." I say back. He opens his mouth to say something else but was interrupted when I heard Britain tell at me to come here. "Oh I'm sorry I need to go." I say looking in the direction of Britain. "Oh it's okay mon ami." He says. I quickly say bye as I walked over to Britain who was now standing by the stairs.

Canada had left so it was only Britain and me in the room, because France had left after I said bye. He tells me of follow him up to his office, I hesitantly follow. His office was a little messy, a few papers lying around here and there. He turns and looks at me. "Okay so we're going to try this we're not 100% sure if this will take you home but it's worth a try." He says. "Okay..?" I say, I still didn't know what was happening. "Oh maybe I should explain things." He says. (Might have slightly taken this idea from someone else.) He points at a globe. "So this is the way that us country humans to get to our own countries, you simply press where you want to go on the globe. Although the reason we think that it might not work is because when we go to the human world we can not be seen so we are not sure if that will happen with you as well." He finishes.

"What do you mean can not be seen'?" I ask. "It mostly means that we are invisible but we can still interact with objects." He says answering my question. I respond with a simple okay. "So try it." He says. I walk over to the globe, I look for my country when I find it I stand there for a second. 'what would happen if this didn't work' I ask myself. "If you don't know exactly where you live I can help you." Britain says from behind me. "Oh no I know where I live." I say looking back at him. "I'll come too incase if it doesn't work I'll bring you back here." Britain says walking up beside me. "Ok." I put my finger over my country and press right around where I live.

My vision turns a blinding white. When I open my eyes I'm in a familiar place somewhere that's near where I live. I look around there's a few people walking around. When I see someone I recognized, I yell something at them to get their attention but they don't respond... I walk up to them trying to get their attention only for them to walk right past me. "It didn't work." I whisper. They couldn't see me.

After a few seconds my vision turn that blinding white again and when I open my eyes I was back in Britain's office. "I guess it really didn't work." He says from beside me. "I guess it didn't..." I whisper back not bothering to look at him. He sighs again.

"I guess you're going to stay here for a little bit."

A/N I don't know when I'll update next.
Word count: 749 words

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