○Chapter 7○

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I sat in bed. I was bored out of my mind it's been two days since I met all ( minus the ones that weren't there). the countries and I didn't know what to do now that I'm staying at Britain's house. I sit up on the bed I was about to leave my room to go downstairs. But was interrupted when I heard a ring for my phone. I turn around and grab my bag and pull out my phone. It was a text message from 'Maple Syrup', which I remember that was the name I set for, you guessed it Canada. I wonder why Canada is texting me, I quickly open his text message.

It read. "Hi Y/N! Sorry if I'm interrupting anything but me and the other countries wanted to know if you want to come to a party that Japan is hosting, at his house of course. And I don't mean party like loud music and alcohol I mean just hanging out"

'A party.' I thought. I mean I probably should go, some of the countries I haven't met might be there so it's worth a try. I text back.

"Sure I'll come, where does Japan live?"

"Yay! And if you ask UK he'll probably be fine with driving you but if he's to busy I can get someone else to come get you."

"Ok and when is the party?"

"Oh I forget about that, uhm Japan said to come from 4:00 to 4:20."


I look at the time it was around 2:30. I put down my phone. I don't want to be the last one there so I might as well come around 4 o clock. I get up and walk over to my dresser. Some other countries had gotten me some clothes although they got what seen fit to them, so I have a bunch of different styles from different countries so I got some choices.

[A/N I'm sorry for not updating in a little more than a week. School just started up again and I've been busy. And sorry this is short.]

Word count :353 words

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